Bake |
Bake and Clear |
Undo |
Redo |
Toggle Painting |
Paint |
Paint Through |
Paint Buffer Eraser |
Toggle Mask Preview |
Toggle Edge Mask |
Toggle Masking |
Paint Target quick palette |
Colors quick palette |
Shelf quick palette |
Image Manager quick palette |
Pie Menu |
Zoom Paint Buffer |
Clear Paint Buffer |
Maj + ) |
Next Blend Mode |
Previous Blend Mode |
Last Blend Mode |
Reset Blend Mode |
Clear Blend Mode |
Go to Next Tab |
Tab Go to Previous Tab |
Full Screen |
Previous View |
Next View |
Show Python Console |
Toggle Cursor Type |
Quit |
Hide/show Palettes |
Toggle Tool Properties Palette |
Toggle Wireframe View |
Take Screenshot |
Press the Space bar while hovering over the canvas to toggle between showing and hiding the currently open palettes. You can also press the Space bar while hovering over a palette to expand it |
Note: You cannot expand a palette if there is a selected an item in it.
Orbit |
Pan |
Roll |
Zoom |
Fit All Nodes in Node Graph |
(If no selection is made, behaves the same as Fit All Nodes in Node Graph) Focus Selection in Node Graph |
Search Node |
Create Paint Node |
Create Group |
Copy Selection |
Paste Selection |
Bypass Selected Node |
Disable Selection |
Delete Selection |
Extract Node |
Autoplace |
Switch Node Inputs |
+ |
Pan in Node Graph |
Zoom in Node Graph |
Fully Collapse Selected Node |
Collapse Selected Node to show Connected Only |
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