Spreadsheet: go to the first column left |
Go to first item in construction protocol (only Desktop) |
3D Graphics: Increase z-coordinate of selected point |
Go to last item in construction protocol (only Desktop) |
Spreadsheet: Go to the next row with input below |
Go to last item in construction protocol (only Desktop) |
3D Graphics: Decrease z-coordinate of selected point |
To get uppercase Greek characters use
Select All |
Algebra Window |
alpha α (Press Shift for upper-case: Α) |
beta β (Press Shift for upper-case: Β) |
Export ggbBase64 string to clipboard |
Copy |
Copies values (spreadsheet) |
Copy Graphics View to clipboard |
Toggle value/definition/command |
delta δ (Press Shift for upper-case: Δ) |
Open Object Properties View |
Open/Close Object Properties View |
Refresh Views |
Show/Hide selected objects |
Show/Hide labels of selected objects |
imaginary unit ί = √-1 |
Select ancestors |
Select descendants |
View/Hide CAS View |
Select current layer |
View/Hide Construction Protocol |
Export HTML code string to clipboard |
mu μ (Press Shift for upper-case: Μ) |
New Window |
Open next window (or next ggb file in folder) |
Open previous window |
Open New File |
Print Preview (Desktop) / Print Menu (Web) |
Open Probability Calculator |
pi π (Press Shift for upper-case: Π) |
Quit GeoGebra |
Recompute all objects (including random numbers) |
Save |
View spreadsheet |
Export as PSTricks |
infinity ∞ |
Open Graphic Export Dialog |
Paste |
Quit GeoGebra |
Export Dynamic Worksheet |
Redo |
Undo |
Redo |
Standard font size, line thickness, and point size |
View/Hide Graphics View 1 |
Increase font size, line thickness, and point size |
View/Hide Graphics View 2 |
Black/white mode |
⊕ (xor) |
less-than-or-equal-to ≤ |
Publicité |
greater-than-or-equal-to ≥ |
Help |
Start editing selected object |
Copy definition of selected object to the Input Bar |
Copy value of selected object to the Input Bar |
copy name of selected object to the Input Bar |
Recompute all objects (including random numbers) |
Toggle input Graphics View and Input Bar |
(current mode) |
Copy definition to input bar |
Create list of selected objects in input bar |
Zoom in / out (Application) |
Zoom in / out (Applet) |
Accelerated zoom in / out |
Delete current selection |
Increase selected slider/number |
Move selected point up |
3D Graphics: Increase y-coordinate of selected point |
Go to older entry in Input Bar history |
Go up in construction protocol (only Desktop) |
Move active Graphics view up |
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale y-axis if no objects selected |
x100 multiplier |
Increase selected slider/number |
Move selected point right |
3D Graphics: Increase x-coordinate of selected point |
Go up in construction protocol (only Desktop) |
Move active Graphics view right |
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale x-axis if no objects selected |
x100 multiplier |
Decrease selected slider/number |
Move selected point left |
3D Graphics: Decrease x-coordinate of selected point |
Go down in construction protocol (Desktop only) |
Move active Graphics view left |
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale x-axis if no objects selected |
x100 multiplier |
Decrease selected slider/number |
Move selected point down |
3D Graphics: Decrease y-coordinate of selected point |
Go to newer entry in Input Bar history |
Go down in construction protocol (Desktop only) |
Move active Graphics view down |
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale y-axis if no objects selected |
x100 multiplier |
Go to first item in construction protocol (only Desktop) |
Spreadsheet: go to the first column left |
Go to first item in construction protocol (only Desktop) |
3D Graphics: Increase z-coordinate of selected point |
Go to last item in construction protocol (only Desktop) |
Spreadsheet: Go to the next row with input below |
Go to last item in construction protocol (only Desktop) |
3D Graphics: Decrease z-coordinate of selected point |
To get uppercase Greek characters use
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