Play the currently selected song |
Play the currently selected song from the beginning |
Move backward or forward within a song |
Listen to previous or next album in a list |
Go to the previous or next song in a list |
(on the checkbox next to a song) Select or deselect all the songs in a list |
Create a playlist from a selection of songs |
Create a new smart playlist |
Delete the selected playlist without confirming that you want to delete it |
Delete the selected playlist and all the songs it contains from your library |
Delete the selected song from your library and all playlists |
Refresh the Radio list (when Radio is selected) |
Refresh a Genius playlist (when the playlist is selected) |
(on a column heading) Change the song information columns |
(on a triangle) Expand or collapse all the triangles in the Radio's Stream list |
Shrink the iTunes window to show only the playback controls |
(on zoom button in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window) Switch between custom and maximum window sizes |
(drag the resize control in the lower-right corner of the window) See the iTunes window resize while you are resizing it |
In the Get Info window, see the info for the next or previous song in the list |
Select the search field |
then press the indicated key to use an option (not all visual effects support this) |
(on the video) Choose artwork for the selected video |
(while connecting your iPod, hold until iPod appears in the iTunes window) Prevent iPod from automatically syncing when you connect it to your computer |
Go to last or next chapter (if available) |
Open iTunes preferences |
Hide the iTunes window |
Hide all other applications |
Quit iTunes |
Create a new playlist |
Create a new playlist with the selected songs |
Create a new smart playlist |
Add a file to your music library |
Close the iTunes window |
Open the song or CD Info window for the selected song or CD |
Show where a song file is located |
Show the currently playing song in the list |
Stream audio file at a specific URL to iTunes |
Undo your last typing change while still in edit mode |
Cut the selected song’s information or artwork |
Copy the selected song’s information or artwork |
Paste the selected song’s information or artwork |
Select all the songs in the list |
Deselect all the songs in the list |
Hide or show the Artist and Album columns |
Publicité |
Open the View Options window for the selected source |
Put the iTunes window in the Dock |
Enter or exit full-screen view |
Open iTunes help |
(while opening iTunes) Open iTunes in “safe mode” (without external plug-ins) |
Source: Apple support
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