(To triangle) Collapse/expand all components of an action |
Play a command |
(Click the New Action button) Create new action and begin recording without confirmation |
(Click the action/command) Select contiguous items of the same kind |
(Click the action/command) Select discontiguous items of the same kind |
Note: IF you prefer channel shortcuts starting with Alt/Option + 1 for red, choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts, and select Use Legacy Channel Shortcuts. Then restart Photoshop.
Choose specific channel for adjustment (Red) |
Choose specific channel for adjustment (Green) |
Choose specific channel for adjustment (Blue) |
Choose composite channel for adjustment |
Delete adjustment layer |
(To Auto button) Define Auto options for Levels or Curves |
(Click on the brush) Delete brush |
(Double click on the brush) Rename brush |
Drag left or right to change brush size |
Drag mouse down or up to decrease/increase brush softness/hardness |
Select previous/next brush size |
Select first/last brush |
Display precise cross hair for brushes |
Toggle airbrush option |
Note: If you prefer channel shortcuts starting with Ctrl/Command + 1 for red, choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts, and select Use Legacy Channel Shortcuts.
(Red) Select individual channels |
(Green) Select individual channels |
(Blue) Select individual channels |
Select composite channel |
(Click channel thumbnail) Load channel as selection |
Load channel as selection (red) |
Load channel as selection (green) |
Load channel as selection (blue) |
(Click channel thumbnail) Add to current selection |
(Click channel thumbnail) Subtract from current selection |
(Click channel thumbnail) Intersect with current selection |
(Click Save Selection As Channel button) Set options for Save Selection As Channel button |
(Click Create New Channel button) Create a new spot channel |
(Click color channel) Select/deselect multiple color-channel selection |
(Click alpha channel) Select/deselect alpha channel and show/hide as a rubylith overlay |
(Double click alpha spot or spot channel thumbnail) Display channel options |
Toggle composite and grayscale mask in Quick Mask mode |
Show Clone Source (overlays image) |
Nudge Clone Source |
Rotate Clone Source |
Scale (increase or reduce size) Clone Source |
(Click New Snapshot) Create a new snapshot |
Rename snapshot |
Step forward through image states |
Step backward through image states |
(Click the image state) Duplicate any image state, except the current state |
(Click Clear History in History panel pop‑up menu) Permanently clear history (no Undo) |
(Click layer thumbnail) Load layer transparency as a selection |
(Click layer thumbnail) Add to current selection |
(Click layer thumbnail) Subtract from current selection |
(Click layer thumbnail) Intersect with current selection |
(Click filter mask thumbnail) Load filter mask as a selection |
New layer |
New layer via copy |
New layer via cut |
Group layers |
Ungroup layers |
Create/release clipping mask |
Select all layers |
Merge visible layers |
(Click New Layer button) Create new empty layer with dialog box |
(Click New Layer button) Create new layer below target layer |
Select top layer |
Select bottom layer |
Add to layer selection in Layers panel |
Select next layer down/up |
Move target layer down/up |
Merge a copy of all visible layers into target layer |
(First, highlight layers you want to merge) Merge layers |
Move layer to bottom or top |
(Use Merge Down command from the Panel pop‑up menu) Copy current layer to layer below |
(Use Merge Visible command from the Panel pop‑up menu) Merge all visible layers to a new layer above the currently selected layer |
(Right click the eye icon) Show/hide this layer/layer group only or all layers/layer groups |
(Click the eye icon) Show/hide all other currently visible layers |
Toggle lock transparency for target layer, or last applied lock |
(Double-click layer effect/style) Edit layer effect/style, options |
(Double-click layer effect/style) Hide layer effect/style |
(Double-click the layer) Edit layer style |
(Click vector mask thumbnail) Disable/enable vector mask |
(Double-click layer mask thumbnail) Open Layer Mask Display Options dialog box |
(Click layer mask thumbnail) Toggle layer mask on/off |
(Click layer mask thumbnail) Toggle filter mask on/off |
(Click layer mask thumbnail) Toggle between layer mask/composite image |
(Click filter mask thumbnail) Toggle between filter mask/composite image |
Toggle rubylith mode for layer mask on/off |
(Double-click type layer thumbnail) Select all type; temporarily select Type tool |
(Click the line dividing two layers) Create a clipping mask |
(Double-click the layer name) Rename layer |
(Double-click the filter effect) Edit filter settings |
(Double-click the Filter Blending icon) Edit the Filter Blending options |
(Click New Group button) Create new layer group below current layer/layer set |
(Click New Group button) Create new layer group with dialog box |
(Click Add Layer Mask button) Create layer mask that hides all/selection |
(Click Add Layer Mask button) Create vector mask that reveals all/path area |
(Click Add Layer Mask button) Create vector mask that hides all or displays path area |
(Right click layer group and choose Group Properties) Display layer group properties |
(Double-click on the group) Display layer group properties |
Select/deselect multiple contiguous layers |
Select/deselect multiple discontiguous layers |
(Click Create New Layer Comp button) Create new layer comp without the New Layer Comp box |
(Double-click layer comp) Open Layer Comp Options dialog box |
(Doubleclick layer comp name) Rename in-line |
Select/deselect multiple contiguous layer comps |
Select/deselect multiple discontiguous layer comps |
(Click pathname) Load path as selection |
(Click pathname) Add path to selection |
(Click pathname) Subtract path from selection |
(Click pathname) Retain intersection of path as selection |
Hide path |
Set options for Fill Path with Foreground Color button, Stroke Path with Brush button, Load Path as a Selection button, Make Work Path from Selection button, and Create New Path button |
What is your favorite Adobe Photoshop CC hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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