Rotate view |
Rotate by 30 degrees |
Pan |
Zoom |
or + | |||
or | |||
Undo |
Toggle ortho/perspective projection |
Focus view onto polys under mouse pointer |
Focus view on shell under mouse pointer |
Mark paint polys |
Mark fill polys |
Unmark paint |
Unmark fill |
Hide polys menu |
Auto save to UVL file |
menu |
When you press the G key, a menu of extra options appears towards the bottom of the graphics window.
+ |
Click'n'drag the mouse to stretch a box over polys you want to mark |
+ |
Click'n'drag the rightclick to stretch a box over polys you want to unmark |
Mark polys facing the camera within a 100 degree arc |
Mark polys facing the camera within a 180 degree arc |
Hide all marked polys |
Pin the vertexes of all marked polys |
Unpin the vertexes of all marked polys |
Unmark marked polys, and vice versa |
Unmark all marked poly |
Shrink and grow marked region |
Focus view on marked polys |
Make the G menu go away |
When you press the H key, a menu of extra options appears towards the bottom of the graphics window.
+ |
Click'n'drag the mouse to stretch a box over polys you want to hide |
+ |
Click'n'drag the mouse to stretch a box; all polys outside are hidden. |
Hide all flattened polys |
Hide all marked polys |
Hide other shells |
Hide all unpicked shells |
Hide all visible polys, and unhide all hidden polys |
Make all polys visible |
Make the H menu go away |
Toggle/set UV edit view |
Hold down to flatten shell |
Start continuous flatten |
Stop continuous flatten |
Bloat then reflatten |
Scale up then reflatten |
Randomize UVs |
Flatten brush |
Change brush size |
Advertisement |
Cut/weld seam |
Cut tag an entire edge loop |
Tag edge loops on distorted geometry |
Toggle weld edges |
Unselect weld edges |
Magnet snap weld edges, or snap a shell onto its mirror |
Attach/detach shells |
Undrop shell back to Ed space |
Place shell underneath other shells |
Toggle shell lock |
Tag webbing edges |
Toggle webbing edges |
Unselect webbing edges |
Toggle pin |
Pin between two already pinned boundary points |
If pointer over a boundary point, pin between two already pinned boundary points or show pin box menu |
Unpin all points in shell |
Flip shell in U |
Flip shell in V |
Flip all shells with same flip state as shell under pointer |
Select all shells with same flip state as shell under pointer |
Click to pick/unpick single shell |
+ |
Click'n'drag to pick multiple shells |
Click in empty space to unpick all shells |
Toggle tile selection mode |
Rotate picked shells or marked polys |
Move picked shells or marked polys |
Scale picked shells or marked polys |
Hold down for finer control |
Move single point |
Move connected points |
Move points in circle |
Change UV box size (i.e. Shift -/=) |
Aim pointer at empty space to move UV box in U direction |
Aim pointer at empty space to move UV box in V direction %% |
Hold down for finer control |
Toggle horizontal/vertical snap anchor |
Turn off all anchors in shell |
Aim pointer at edge to rotate shell so edge is horizontal |
Arrow aim pointer at edge to rotate shell so edge is vertical |
Tag straight edge - axis aligned |
Tag an entire edge loop |
Untag edge |
On tagged edge - remove all 'I' tagged edges from shell. On untagged edge - 'I' tag all similarly oriented edges |
Tag straight edge - unaligned |
Toggle kink point |
Tag an entire edge loop |
Untag edge |
On tagged edge - remove all 'K' tagged edges and points from shell. On untagged edge - 'K' tag all similarly oriented edges |
If topology allows, snap quads to an axis aligned grid. Otherwise, snaps boundary to an axis aligned rectangle |
Same as above, but the internal UVs are also aligned |
When mouse pointer is aimed at shell boundary points:
Toggle stack marker |
Straighten between two stack markers |
When mouse pointer is aimed at shell interior polys:
Copy UVs from light to dark mirror polys |
Swap light and dark mirror polys |
When Brush Local Scale selected |
Scale polys up |
Scale polys down %% |
Reset local scaling |
When Brush Pin selected |
Push UVs out and pin |
Pull UVs in and pin |
Smooth UVs and pin |
Unpin |
Toggle/set 3D edit view |
Cut/weld seam |
Cut/weld extended |
Unselect cut edges |
Detach or split shell |
Drop shell into UV space |
Reattach shell |
Split shell, or tag symmetry plane |
Mark revolved polys suited to rectangular flattening |
Mark adjoined quads suited to grid flattening |
What is your favorite UVLayout 2.11 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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