Clear the current selection. Only available when Quick view is on. |
Set focus to the issue below the current issue. |
Set focus to the issue above the current issue. |
Go to the last issue on the page. |
Go to the first issue on the page. |
Go to the next page. |
Go to the previous page. |
Expand the detail for the current issue in the list. |
Collapse the detail for the current issue in the list. |
Toggle the selection of the current issue. |
Open the current issue in edit mode. Use to update the issue project, summary, description, or visibility. |
Open your personal list of Saved Searches and Tags from the Issues menu. Press Esc to close. |
Copy the ID of the current issue to the clipboard. |
Copy the issue ID and summary of the current issue to the clipboard. |
Open the current issue in single issue view. |
Open the New Issue page. |
View keyboard shortcuts. |
Open the issue in edit mode. Use to update the issue project, summary, description, visibility, and values in supplemental text fields. |
Copy the ID of the current issue to the clipboard. |
Copy the issue ID and summary to the clipboard. |
Attach an image from the clipboard to the issue or comment. |
Submit changes when editing the issue or adding comments. |
Open your personal list of Saved Searches and Tags. Press Esc to close. |
Open the New Issue page. |
Cancel issue editing. |
View keyboard shortcuts. |
Sets the current selection of characters in a boldface font. |
Sets the current selection of characters in an italic font. |
Sets the current selection of characters with a horizontal line through the center. |
Sets the current selection in a monospace font on a light background. This formatting is intended to indicate that the text is a short fragment of computer code. |
Switches between Visual and Markdown mode. |
This feature is only available for new issues in YouTrack Classic. If you're currently working with YouTrack Lite, you need to switch it off.
Apply command |
Apply command without generating notification messages |
Cancel the command and close the Apply Command dialog |
View keyboard shortcuts |
This feature is only available for new issues in YouTrack Classic. If you're currently working with YouTrack Lite, you need to switch it off.
Switch to the Search Context drop-down menu. |
Show suggestions. |
Submit the search request. |
View keyboard shortcuts. |
Open the Apply Command dialog. Only recognized when you have focus on or have selected at least one card. |
Switch focus between the board and the search box. |
Deselect all selected cards. |
Toggle the selection of the current card. |
Open the current card in edit mode. |
Open the current card in view mode. |
Edit the estimation for the current card. |
Remove the selected cards from the board. If your board uses sprints, the cards are removed from the selected sprint. |
Advertisement |
Set focus to the card on the left. |
Set focus to the card on the right. |
Set focus to the card above the current card. |
Set focus to the card below the current card. |
Set focus to the first card that is visible on the board. |
Set focus to the last card that is visible on the board. |
Move the current card to the left. |
Move the current card to the right. |
Move the current card up. |
Move the current card down. |
Assign the current card to yourself. |
Add an issue as a new swimlane. Only recognized when the board uses issues to identify swimlanes. |
Expand or collapse all swimlanes. |
Open a dialog to locate and attach files. |
Add a card to the board. |
Create a subtask for the current card. |
Toggle backlog visibility. |
Select the next custom field to the right. Only recognized with card sizes that show custom fields (M-XL). |
Select the next custom field to the left. Only recognized with card sizes that show custom fields (M-XL). |
Open your personal list of Saved Searches and Tags. Press Esc to close. |
Open the Apply Command dialog with the most recent command in the input field. |
Copy the issue ID for the current card to the clipboard. |
Copy the issue ID and summary for the current card to the clipboard. |
Switch to TV mode. Press Esc to exit. |
View keyboard shortcuts. |
Save widget. |
Open the Add widget menu. |
Create new dashboard. |
View previous dashboard. |
View next dashboard. |
Open dashboards list. |
Select the widget to the left of the current widget. |
Select the widget to the right of the current widget. |
Select the widget above the current widget. |
Select the widget below the current widget. |
Open the widget menu. |
Deselect widget. |
Refresh all widgets. |
Toggle preview in Markdown Notes widget. |
View keyboard shortcuts. |
Select the crop tool. Drag to set the crop boundary. Drag the handles to adjust the crop boundary. |
Select the brush tool. Drag to draw a line on the image. To draw a straight line, hold down the Ctrl (Control for Mac) key while dragging. |
Select the highlight tool. Drag to select an area to highlight on the image. Drag the handles to adjust the highlighted area. |
Select the text tool. Click the image to add a callout box where you can enter text. Drag the handles to adjust the size of the callout box. |
Select the blur tool. Drag to select an area to blur on the image. |
Revert all changes to the image. |
Undo the previous action. |
Redo the previous action. |
Remove the selected element. Available in YouTrack Lite. |
Source: Youtrack docs
What is your favorite YouTrack Cloud 2022.3 (macOS) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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