Record Temporary Script |
Draw squares and rectangles by dragging in the drawing window. |
Reapply the last undone action. |
Redraw |
Revert primary objects to basic objects, and delete all object copies. |
Repeat |
Specify the object's rotation. |
Show or hide the rulers. |
Run Temporary Script |
Sample a color from the desktop to apply to the selected nodes. |
Save As... |
Save the active document. |
Resize the object by specifying a percentage, and mirror the object. |
Open a script for VBA editing. |
Create, load, and manage script projects. |
Select all objects |
Edit a curve object or text character by manipulating nodes. |
Show object copies as outlines or full objects. |
Show unselected nodes with fill |
Specify the dimensions of the object. |
Convert freehand strokes to basic shapes or smoothed curves. |
Turn off all snapping. Click again to restore selected snapping options. |
Spelling |
Draw symmetrical and logarithmic spirals. |
Show Step and Repeat docker |
Stop recording the script. |
Super Nudge Down |
Super Nudge Left |
Super Nudge Right |
Super Nudge Up |
Symbols Docker |
Edit paragraph and artistic text properties. |
Add and edit paragraph and artistic text. |
Move object to the bottom of the stacking order. |
Move the object to the back of the page. |
Move object to the top of the stacking order. |
Move the object to the front of the page. |
Toggle Pick State |
Toggle View |
Switch between the main and the secondary preview color. |
Specify the object's position on the drawing page. |
Cancel the previous action. |
Break a group into individual objects or groups. |
Choose a solid fill color for an object by using color palettes, color viewers, color harmonies, or color blends. |
Changes the text to vertical |
Views docker |
Visual Studio Editor... |
Invokes context sensitive Help |
Change the magnification level of the document window. |
Increase the magnification level to view more detail. |
Zoom One-Shot |
Decrease the magnification level to view a larger portion of the document. |
Adjust the magnification level to include all objects |
Advertisement |
Adjust the magnification level to fit the entire page. |
Magnify only the selected object. |
Add Column... |
Add number ending value |
Add number starting value |
Configure Columns |
Continually increment value |
Edit number starting value |
Edit number ending value |
Import File... |
Open ODBC Data Source... |
Save Data Source... |
View Single Record |
Close Print Preview |
Duplexing Setup Wizard... |
Full Screen |
General... |
Go To... |
Help Topics... |
Layout... |
Preflight... |
Prepress... |
Print Options |
Print This Sheet Now |
Rulers |
Save Print Style As... |
Separations... |
Show Current Tile |
Zoom In |
Zoom Out |
Zoom to Fit |
Zoom to Page |
Zoom to Selection |
Expand Selection |
Merge cells into one cell |
Move Down |
Move Left |
Move Right |
Move Up |
Select Down |
Select Left |
Select Right |
Select Up |
Delete the selected table |
Make the text bold |
Center text within the bounding box. |
Change Case |
Column/Frame Break |
Delete Character to Right |
Delete Word to Right |
Em Dash |
Em Space |
En Dash |
En Space |
Expand Selection |
Find and Replace Text |
Choose a typeface for new or selected text |
Specify the font size. |
Font Size Decrease |
Font Size Increase |
Font Size Next Combo Size |
Font Size Previous Combo Size |
Choose a font style for the text. |
Align all text with both the left and right sides of the bounding box |
Align all text, excluding the last line, with both the left and right sides of the bounding box. |
Make the text italic. |
Align text with the left side of the bounding box. |
Move Down 1 Frame |
Move Down 1 Line |
Move Down 1 Paragraph |
Move Left 1 Character |
Move Left 1 Word |
Move Right 1 Character |
Move Right 1 Word |
Move Up 1 Frame |
Move Up 1 Line |
Move Up 1 Paragraph |
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