Change camera type |
Take a screenshot |
Record video |
Open the Gallery, where you can view other players' creations and add them to your neighborhood |
Screenshots are stored in Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Screenshots and Videos are stored in The Sims 4/Recorded Videos. Screenshots can be taken and videos can be recorded in build mode too.
Walls up |
Walls down |
Go up a floor |
Go down a floor |
+ |
Move Around the Neighborhood |
Move view up |
Move view left |
Move view down |
Move view right |
Center on current Lot |
(on Sim picture) Select Sim |
(on Sim picture) Make Camera follow that Sim |
+ |
Rotate view or tilt camera up/down to change angles |
Zoom in and out |
or | |||
Take a screenshot. In Game Options you can choose to include the game interface in screenshots |
Start or stop video recording |
Bring up main menu or cancel current operation |
(click on Object or Sim) Interact with that Object or Sim |
(click on ground) Order Sim to go somewhere |
Find active Sim |
Select the next Sim in the Household |
(click on Sim portrait) Select that Sim |
Show Aspiration Window. Click on Gift to go to Rewards, Star to Change Aspiration |
Show Sim's inventory |
Show Career tab |
Show Skills list |
Show Relationship panel |
Show Simology |
Show Sim's current need levels. Clicking on a need icon will order the Sim to fulfill it |
Go to Map mode |
Pause Sims 4 |
Speed 1 (normal) |
Speed 2 |
Speed 3 |
Access cheat console |
When you remove objects in buy or build mode, you'll get some of your money back. Objects removed by placing a room on top of it or in any other way can be found in your Household Inventory.
Live mode (Normal Gameplay) |
Buy mode |
Build mode |
Switch to Hand tool. In this mode you can grab objects |
Wall tool |
While using Wall tool, hold Ctrl to delete walls and rooms. |
While using Wall/Room tool, hold Shift to toggle between the two |
Advertisement |
Eyedroppert tool. Copy an object quickly |
Sledgehammer tool. Allows you to destroy objects |
Design Tool. Recolor objects to create color schemes |
After selecting an object but before placing it, pressing + on the num pad will cycle through color options for that item, allowing you to find what looks right for that room |
Toggle the grid |
(Hold) Hold while placing Buy or Build Mode object to place more of the same object without having to select it again |
Press while holding an object to place it in the Household inventory. Good for storing multiple things fast |
Rotate selected object left |
Rotate selected object right |
While holding an object, this allows you to position it anywhere as opposed to on the Grid |
This will let you position objects relative to the grid, but at 1/2 to 1/4 the usual distance. Good for precision |
While laying floor, do 1/4 of a tile at a time (little triangle) for artsy design |
While painting, holding Alt fills a straight wall with the selected wall pattern |
Hold while painting walls and floors: Will fill an entire room with the selected floor or wall pattern |
Make brush size smaller while painting terrain. Also cycles through square/circle brushes |
Make brush size larger while painting terrain. Also cycles through square/circle brushes |
Make brush softer when painting terrain |
Make brush harder when painting terrain |
Hold while painting terrain to erase and change terrain to default |
Undo |
Redo last action you undid |
Delete or sell selected object |
Switch to top-down view. Press again to go back to previous view |
Change lighting from morning to afternoon, evening and night to preview how things look. It will not change actual time |
Press U, then click house to relocate the entire structure on the lot. It may be moved or rotated |
Cheats are not hotkeys, but we included them if you think Sims die too quickly or everyting is too expensive.
Show the cheat console, so you can enter cheat texts below |
Help – Lists all available commands into the command console.
resetSim {FirstName} {LastName} – Resets the Sim.
fullscreen – Toggles full screen on or off.
headlineeffects{on/off} – Hides all headline effects including plumbobs, thought balloons, etc.
Death.toggle – Disables Death so that Sims don’t die.
FreeRealEstate {on/off} – Can be entered at neighborhood/world. If on, all homes are free.
motherlode – Provides 50,000 Simoleons
kaching – Provides 1000 Simoleons
rosebud – Provides 1000 Simoleons
Increases the size of objects |
What is your favorite The Sims 4 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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