Toggle object snapping (you have to cancel current object, if you have selected any) |
Toggle ground and surface snapping |
Toggle workshop grid snapping |
Toggle out-of-workshop timeout |
Toggle storing clamped objects in workshop storage, when underlying object is scrapped or stored in workshop storage |
Lock / unlock hightlighted object selection. While selection locked, no other object will be hightlighted, when your move your aim on it |
Toggle "Place Everywhere" mode (if you enabled the toggle in config) |
Reset rotation angles X and Y to 0 |
Remove 'tremor' effect |
Move outlined object down |
Move outlined object up |
Move outlined object left |
Move outlined object right |
Move outlined object to player |
Move outlined object from player |
Scale down outlined object by 10% |
Scale up outlined object by 10% |
Reset scale of outlined object to 100% |
Decrease rotation angle step |
Increase rotation angle step |
Decrease movement step |
Increase movement step |
Turn object physics on (make it movable / droppable if possible) |
Turn object physics on (make it static if possible) |
Increase scale step |
Decrease scale step |
Toggle extra objects selection |
Change rotation axis |
Undo last precise movement / rotation / scaling action |
Store outlined object position, rotation and scale info |
Set X, Y, Z position of stored info to outlined object |
Set X, Y, Z rotation angles of stored info to outlined object |
Set scale of stored info to outlined object |
Set all stored info to outlined object |
Source: Steamcommunity
What is your favorite Place Anywhere (Fallout 4 mod) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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