Selector |
Use Selector temporarily |
When the "Left mouse button pans when Space is pressed" option is on in Preferences, Space+mouse drag pans canvas instead of switching to Selector.
Node tool |
Tweak tool |
Zoom tool |
Rectangle tool |
3D box tool |
Ellipse/arc tool |
Freehand (Pencil) tool |
Bezier (Pen) tool |
Calligraphy tool |
Paint bucket tool |
Gradient tool |
Dropper tool |
Text tool |
Spiral tool |
Star tool |
Connector tool |
on the tool buttons opens the Preferences dialog showing the page of the corresponding tool |
Fill and Stroke |
Swatches |
Text and Font |
Transform |
Layers |
Align and Distribute |
Object Properties |
Undo History |
XML Editor |
Document Preferences |
Inkscape Preferences |
Export to PNG |
Find |
Trace Bitmap |
Path Effects |
Toggle dialogs |
within dialogs |
Return to the canvas |
Close the dialog |
Jump to next widget |
Jump to previous widget |
Set the new value |
In XML Editor, set attribute vallue |
Activate current button or list |
In a multi-tab dialog, switch tabs |
Jump to the first editable field |
Jump to next field |
Jump to previous field |
Create new document |
Open an SVG document |
Export to PNG |
Import bitmap or SVG |
Print document |
Save document |
Save under a new name |
Save a copy |
Exit Inkscape |
Toggle rulers |
Toggle scrollbars |
Toggle fullscreen |
Main menu |
Drop-down (context) menu |
Close document window |
Next document window |
Previous document window |
Move to layer above |
Move to layer below |
Raise thelayer |
Lower the layer |
Raise the layer to the top |
Lower the layer to the bottom |
Undo |
Redo |
Copy selection |
Cut selection |
Paste clipboard |
Paste in place |
Paste style |
Paste path effect |
Duplicate selection |
Clone object |
Unlink clone |
Select original |
Create a bitmap copy |
Trace bitmap |
Object(s) to pattern |
Pattern to object(s) |
Group selected objects |
Ungroup selected group(s) |
Raise selection to top |
Lower selection to bottom |
Raise selection one step |
Lower selection one step |
Convert selected object(s) to path |
Convert stroke to path |
Union |
Difference |
Intersection |
Exclusive OR (XOR) |
Division (cut) |
Cut path |
Inset path (towards center) |
Ctrl + ) |
Outset path (away from center) |
Inset path by 1 pixel |
Alt + ) |
Outset path by 1 pixel |
Inset path by 10 pixels |
Shift + Alt + ) |
Outset path by 10 pixels |
The actual distance for pixel offsets depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer adjustment. All the (, ) commands convert the object to path, if necessary, and produce regular path.
Create dynamic offset |
Create linked offset |
What is your favorite Inkscape hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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