Navigation and Utility tools
Magnifier |
Grabber |
Rotate Page |
Divine Proportion |
Layout Grid |
Perspective Guides (opens property bar) |
Crop |
Drawing and painting tools
Brush (Freehand line) |
Brush (Straight line) |
Paint Bucket |
Dropper |
Dodge |
Burn |
Selection tools
Rectangular selection |
Oval selection |
Lasso |
Polygonal selection |
Magic wand |
Adjuster tools
Layer adjuster |
Selection adjuster |
Shape selection |
Shape design tools
Pen |
Quick curve |
Text |
Shape object tools
Rectangular shape |
Oval shape |
Shape edit tools
Scissors |
Add point |
Convert point |
Remove point |
Transform tool
(Mac OS) Transform tool |
(Windows) Transform tool |
Symmetry tools
Mirror tool |
(Mac OS) Kaleidoscope tool |
(Windows) Kaleidoscope tool |
New |
Open |
Close |
Save |
Save as |
Export Source Image |
Iterative save |
E-mail image |
Page setup |
Exit (Windows) |
Undo |
Redo |
Fade |
Cut |
Copy |
Copy merged |
Paste |
Paste in place |
Fill |
Free transform |
Preferences > General |
Preferences > Brush tracking |
Resize |
Tracing paper |
Show/Hide rulers |
Show/Hide guides |
Snap to guides |
Show/Hide grid |
Color management settings |
New layer |
Select all layers |
Group |
Ungroup |
Collapse |
Dry digital watercolor |
All |
None |
Invert |
Reselect |
Hide marquee |
Load selection |
Join endpoints |
Duplicate |
Set shape attributes |
Last effect |
Auto clone |
Tonal control
Adjust colors |
Brightness/Contrast |
Equalize |
Negative |
Scroll image with grabber |
Center image |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Rotate image |
Constrain rotate to 90 degrees |
Orient screen to default view |
Layers panel
Select all layers |
Delete layer |
Colors panel
Toggle between main and additional colors |
Standard colors |
Use clone color |
Mixer panel
Pan tool |
Zoom tool (zoom-in) |
Zoom tool (zoom-out) |
Channels panel
New from |
What is your favorite Corel Painter hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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