Go to the next day, week, month, or year |
Go to the previous day, week, month, or year |
Go to today’s date |
Go to a specific date. |
Switch to Day view |
Switch to Week view |
Switch to Month view |
Switch to Year view |
Switch to full-screen view. To exit full-screen view, press |
Make text bigger |
Make text smaller |
Refresh all calendars |
(with the Calendar list open) Select or deselect the checkbox next to the selected calendar |
(any calendar’s checkbox) Select or deselect all the checkboxes next to calendars in the Calendar list |
(click any calendar’s checkbox) Select the checkbox next to the selected calendar and deselect all other checkboxes |
Add a new calendar group |
Add a new subscribed calendar |
Print a day, week, month, or year calendar |
Add a new event |
Edit the selected event |
Edit the selected event in the inspector window |
(while an event is open) Go to the next field |
(while an event is open) Go to the previous field |
(while an event is open) Close the event editor |
Select the next event |
Select the previous event |
Select the next or previous event |
Search for events |
(click the event, then choose a calendar from the shortcut menu) Move an event to another calendar |
Move the selected event 15 minutes earlier (in Day or Week view); move the selected event one week earlier (in Month view) |
Move the selected event 15 minutes later (in Day or Week view); move the selected event one week later (in Month view) |
Move the selected event one day later (in Week or Month view); move the selected event one week later (in Month view) |
Move the selected event one day earlier (in Week or Month view); move the selected event one week earlier (in Month view) |
Show information for a calendar or event |
Print the selected events or events in a time range |
Show or hide the Address panel |
Show or hide the Availability panel |
Open Calendar preferences |
Source: Apple Support page
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