Exit Shuttle Lock mode (Classic or Transport mode) |
The following shortcuts are active only when Transport = Pro Tools.
Cue Transport to selection start / end |
Cue Transport with pre / post-roll to selection start / end |
Shuffle mode |
Slip mode |
Spot mode |
Grid mode |
Enable Snap to grid while in another Edit mode |
Enable Snap to grid and Shuffle mode |
Enable Snap to grid and Slip mode |
Enable Snap to grid and Spot mode |
Zoomer tool |
Trimmer tool |
Selector tool |
Grabber tool |
Scrubber tool |
Pencil tool |
Smart tool |
Cycle through Edit modes |
Cycle through Edit tools |
ou | |||
(click the Shuffle button) Lock out or unlock Shuffle mode |
Enable or disable Tab to Transients command |
(if Tab to Transient enabled) Locate cursor to next transient |
Locate cursor to previous transient |
(if Tab to Transients is disabled) Locate cursor to next Clip-boundary/sync point |
(if Tab to Transients is disabled) Locate cursor to previous Clip-boundary/sync point |
Go to and select next clip |
Go to and select previous clip |
Go to song start |
Extend selection to song start |
Extend selection to next clip-boundary |
Extend selection to previous clip-boundary |
Extend selection to include next clip |
Extend selection to include previous clip |
Return to start of session |
Go to end of session |
Extend selection to start of session |
Extend selection to end of session |
Publicité |
Link timeline and edit selection |
Link track edit selection |
Set selection end/start during playback |
Set selection end/start to incoming time code while stopped |
(with selector tool) Select entire clip edit window |
(with selector tool) Select entire track in Edit window |
puis |
(in track) Select entire track in Edit window |
Select all clips in all tracks in Edit window |
To extend cursor or selection across all tracks, enable "all" edit group and Shift+Click on any other track.
Cancel zoom toggle and remain at the same zoom level |
Fit all shown tracks in the Edit window |
Open or close folder tracks that contain the Edit cursor or Edit selection |
Record enable tracks that contain the Edit cursor or Edit selection |
TrackInput Monitor enable tracks that contain the Edit cursor or Edit selection |
Solo tracks that contain the Edit cursor or Edit selection |
Mute tracks that contain the Edit cursor or Edit selection |
Move MIDI Record Enable to the previous MIDI or instrument track |
Move MIDI Record Enable to the next MIDI or instrument track |
Move the instertion to the beginning of the Edit selection |
Move the instertion to the end of the Edit selection |
Increase or decrease the height of any lane that contains the Edit cursor or an Edit selection |
Change grid value |
Change nudge value |
Nudge back by next Nudge value (Nudge Edit selection and any Clips entirely inside the Edit selection) |
(in Commands Keyboard Focus) Nudge back by next Nudge value (Nudge Edit selection and any Clips entirely inside the Edit selection) |
Nudge forward by next Nudge value (Nudge Edit selection and any Clips entirely inside the Edit selection) |
(in Commands Keyboard Focus) Nudge forward by next Nudge value (Nudge Edit selection and any Clips entirely inside the Edit selection) |
Nudge start/end data to left/right by Nudge value (keeps underlying audio and moves start/end) |
Nudge data within current Clip to left by Nudge value (keeps Clip start / end and moves underlying audio) |
Nudge data within current Clip to right by Nudge value (keeps Clip start / end and moves underlying audio) |
Nudge left selection boundary right by Nudge value |
Nudge left selection boundary left by Nudge value |
Nudge right selection boundary right by Nudge value |
Nudge right selection boundary left by Nudge value |
Trim left edge of Clip to right by Nudge value |
Trim left edge of Clip to left by Nudge value |
Trim right edge of Clip to right by Nudge value |
Trim right edge of Clip to left by Nudge value |
(click Trimmer tool) Reverse Trimmer tool direction when trimming Clip |
(hold down while trimming) Trim up to, but not over, adjacent Clips |
(click selection and drag to destination) Duplicate Clip(s) in Edit Window |
Delete selection in playlist |
(move audio Clip with Grabber tool) Constrain audio Clip to vertical movement |
(click new Clip with Grabber tool) Snap Clip start to stationary playhead or Edit selection start |
(click Clip containing the sync point with Grabber tool) Snap Clip sync point to stationary playhead or Edit selection start |
(click new Clip with Grabber tool) Snap Clip to stationary playhead or Edit selection end |
Snap Clip to next |
Snap Clip to previous |
Transpose up one semitone |
Transpose down one semitone |
Copy and transpose up one semitone |
Copy and transpose down one semitone |
Transpose up one octave |
Transpose down one octave |
Copy and transpose up one octave |
Copy and transpose down one octave |
Transpose up in key |
Transpose down in key |
Copy and transpose up in key |
Copy and transpose down in key |
Increase velocity by five |
Decrease velocity by five |
Increase velocity by fifteen |
Decrease velocity by fifteen |
Select previous note |
Select next note |
Add previous note to the current selection |
Add next note to the current selection |
Trim note start to the left |
Trim note start to the right |
Trim note end to the left |
Trim note end to the right |
Trim note start to the left by the next value |
Trim note start to the right by the next value |
Trim note end to the left by the next value |
Trim note end to the right by the next value |
Show or hide the Clip Gain Line |
Show or hide Clip Gain Info |
Add a Clip Gain breakpoint at the current Edit location |
Nudge the selected clip gain up |
Nudge the selected clip gain down |
Nudge the selected clip gain back |
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