Visual Assist keyboard shortcuts 

Visual Assist -
5 years ago
- Shortcuts
↑  Shift + Alt + S

Find symbol in solution

Alt +

Navigate back

Alt +

Navigate forward

↑  Shift + Alt + O

Open file in solution dialog

↑  Shift + Alt + H

Open the VA Hashtags tool window


↑  Shift + Alt + F

Open Find references tool window for current symbol

↑  Shift + Alt + S

Find symbol in solution

Alt + G

Go to implementation or declaration

↑  Shift + Alt + G

Go to related symbols

Alt + M

List methods in file

Alt +

Navigate back

Alt +

Navigate forward

↑  Shift + Alt + O

Open file in solution dialog

Alt + O

Open corresponding file

Ctrl + ↑  Shift + V

Open menu of multiple clipboards

↑  Shift + Alt + Q

Open Quick Aciton and Refactoring menu

↑  Shift + Alt + C

Create from usage

↑  Shift + Alt + R


Ctrl + 0

Reset editor zoom level to 100%

Alt +

Move to next scope

Alt +

Move to previous scope

↑  Shift + Alt + ]

(in VS 2017 15.9 and later) Smart Select to initiate or extend a selection

Alt + ]

Smart Select to initiate or extend a block selection

↑  Shift + Alt + [

(in VS 2017 15.9 and later) Smart Select to decrease a selection

Alt + [

Smart Select to decrease a block selection

↑  Shift + Alt + H

Open the VA Hashtags tool window

AboutVisualAssist - Open About dialog for Visual Assist
BracesAdd   -   Add braces around current statement
BracesRemove    -   Remove braces from one-line "compound" statement
BracesToggle    -   Add braces to, or remove from, current statement
CheckforNewVersion  -   Check for new version of Visual Assist
CloneFindReferencesResults  -   Clone Find References results window
Documentation   -   Open browser window to documentation
EnableDisable   -   Enable and disable Visual Assist
EnterKey    -   Open dialog to enter an activation key
FindNextbyContext   -   Find next reference to a symbol
FindPreviousbyContext   -   Find previous reference to a symbol
FindReferencesinFile    -   Open Find references tool window for current symbol in current file
FindReferencesResults   -   Open Find References results window with last results
Forums  -   Open browser window to discussion forums
GotoMember  -   GoTo Member
HashtagsGroupByFile -   Toggle grouping of entries in VA Hashtags tool window
HashtagsNext    -   Go to location of next entry in VA Hashtags tool window
HashtagsNextInGroup -   Go to next entry in current group: Hashtag or file
HashtagsPrevious    -   Go to location of previous entry in VA Hashtags tool window
HashtagsPreviousInGroup -   Go to previous entry in current group: Hashtag or file
HashtagsSearch  -   Move focus to filter edit control of VA Hashtags tool window
ListIncludeFiles    -   Force the header file hierarchy to appear in HCB
OpenContextMenu -   Open VA context menu in text editor
OpenContextMenuOld  -   Open old VA context menu in text editor (Deprecated)
Options -   Open options dialog for Visual Assist
OutlineContextMenu  -   Open context menu of VA Outline
OutlineRefresh  -   Refresh VA Outline
OutlineSelectInEditor   -   Select corresponding item in text editor from VA Outline
OutlineToggleAutoUpdate -   Toggle auto update in VA Outline
OutlineToggleComments   -   Toggle comments in VA Outline
PurchaseLicense -   Open browser window to purchase a license
RefactorAddInclude  -   Add #include Directive
RefactorAddMember   -   Add Member
RefactorAddSimilarMember    -   Add Similar Member
RefactorChangeSignature -   Change Signature
RefactorCreateDeclaration   -   Create Declaration
RefactorCreateImplementation    -   Create Implementation
RefactorDocumentMethod  -   Document Method
RefactorEncapsulateField    -   Encapsulate Field
RefactorExtractMethod   -   Extract Method
RefactorMoveImplementationToSourceFile  -   Move Implementation to Source File
RefResultsCancel    -   Cancel Find References results
RefResultsClearAll  -   Clear all Find References results
RefResultsContextMenu   -   Open context menu of Find References results dialog
RefResultsCopy  -   Copy text from Find References results dialog
RefResultsCut   -   Cut text from Find References results dialog
RefResultsDelete    -   Delete item from Find References results dialog
RefResultsFind  -   Find in Find References results
RefResultsFindNext  -   Find next in Find References results
RefResultsFindPrevious  -   Find previous in Find References results
RefResultsGoto  -   Go to method from Find References results
RefResultsNext  -   Next in Find References results
RefResultsPrevious  -   Previous in Find References results
RefResultsRefresh   -   Refresh Find References results
RefResultsToggleHighlight   -   Toggle highlight in Find References results
RenewMaintenance    -   Open a browser window to renew software maintenance
ReparseCurrentFile  -   Reparse current file
SelectionBlockComment   -   Surround selection with block comment characters
SelectionBlockUncomment -   Uncomment surrounded selection
SelectionLineComment    -   Surround selection with line comment characters
SelectionLineUncomment  -   Uncomment surrounded selection
SelectionToggleBlockComment -   Toggle surrounded selection with block comment characters
SelectionToggleLineComment  -   Toggle surrounded selection with line comment characters
SortSelectedLines   -   Sort Selected Lines
SpellCheck  -   Spell Check comments and strings
SpellCheckWord  -   Spell Check word
SubmitaRequest  -   Open a browser window to request technical support
SurroundSelectionWithBraces -   Surround Selection with braces
SurroundSelectionWithComment    -   Surround Selection with comment characters
SurroundSelectionWithIfdefOrRegion  -   Surround Selection with #ifdef or #region
SurroundSelectionWithParentheses    -   Surround Selection with parentheses
TechnicalSupport    -   Open a browser window to resources for technical support
TipoftheDay -   Open the Tip-of-the-Day dialog
ToggleColoring  -   Toggle Enhanced Syntax Coloring
ToggleRepairCase    -   Toggle Repair Case
ToggleSuggestions   -   Toggle Suggestions
ToggleUnderlining   -   Toggle underlining of mistyped symbols and misspelled words
VAOutline   -   Open the VA Outline
VaSnippetEdit   -   Edit VA Snippets
VaSnippetInsert -   Insert a VA Snippet
VAView  -   Open the VA View
VAViewFIS   -   Open the Files in Solution dropdown in the VA View
VAViewHCB   -   Move focus to HCB component of the VA View
VAViewHCBToggleLock -   Move focus to push pin in the VA View, then Space to toggle
VAViewMRU   -   Move focus to the MRU component of the VA View
VAViewSIS   -   Open the Symbols in Solution dropdown in the VA View

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Program information

Program name: Visual Assist Visual Assist (Developer tools)

Web page:

Last update: 23/11/2021 07:31 UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 65%

More information >>

Shortcut count: 26

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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