Show colorized red, green, or blue channel |
Toggle showing straight RGB color |
Show alpha boundary (outline between transparent and opaque regions) in Layer panel |
Show alpha overlay (colored overlay on transparent regions) in Layer panel |
Show Refine Edge X-ray |
(double-click Hand tool) Center composition in the panel |
Zoom-in in Composition, Layer, or Footage panel |
Zoom-out in Composition, Layer, or Footage panel |
Zoom to 100% in Composition, Layer, or Footage panel |
Zoom to fit in Composition, Layer, or Footage panel |
Zoom up to 100% to fit in Composition, Layer, or Footage panel |
Set resolution to Full, Half, or Custom in Composition panel |
Open View Options dialog box for active Composition panel |
Zoom in time |
Zoom out time |
Zoom in Timeline panel to single-frame units (Press again to zoom out to show entire composition duration.) |
Zoom out in Timeline panel to show the entire composition duration (Press again to zoom back in to the duration specified by the Time Navigator.) |
Prevent images from being rendered for previews in viewer panels |
Show or hide safe zones |
Show or hide grid |
Show or hide proportional grid |
Show or hide rulers |
Show or hide guides |
Turn snapping to grid on or off |
Turn snapping to guides on or off |
Lock or unlock guides |
Show or hide layer controls (masks, motion paths, light and camera wireframes, effect control points, and layer handles) |
Import one file or image sequence |
Import multiple files or image sequences |
(double-click the footage item in the Project panel) Open movie in an After Effects Footage panel |
Add selected items to most recently activated composition |
Replace selected source footage for selected layers with footage item selected in Project panel |
(drag footage item from Project panel onto selected layer) Replace source for a selected layer |
Delete a footage item without a warning |
Open Interpret Footage dialog box for selected footage item |
Remember footage interpretation |
Edit selected footage item in application with which it’s associated (Edit Original) |
Replace selected footage item |
Reload selected footage items |
Set proxy for selected footage item |
Delete all effects from selected layers |
Apply most recently applied effect to selected layers |
Apply most recently applied animation preset to selected layers |
New solid layer |
New null layer |
New adjustment layer |
Select layer (1-999) by its number (enter digits rapidly for two-digit and three-digit numbers) |
Toggle selection of layer (1-999) by its number (enter digits rapidly for two-digit and three-digit numbers) |
Select next layer in stacking order |
Select previous layer in stacking order |
Extend selection to next layer in stacking order |
Extend selection to previous layer in stacking order |
Deselect all layers |
Scroll topmost selected layer to top of Timeline panel |
Reklama |
Show or hide Parent column |
Show or hide Layer Switches and Modes columns |
Setting the sampling method for selected layers (Best/Bilinear) |
Setting the sampling method for selected layers (Best/Bicubic) |
(click solo switch) Turn off all other solo switches |
Turn Video (eyeball) switch on or off for selected layers |
Turn off Video switch for all video layers other than selected layers |
Open settings dialog box for selected solid, light, camera, null, or adjustment layer |
Paste layers at current time |
Split selected layers. (If no layers are selected, split all layers.) |
Precompose selected layers |
Open Effect Controls panel for selected layers |
(double-click a layer) Open layer in Layer panel (opens source composition for precomposition layer in Composition panel) |
(double-click a layer) Open source of a layer in Footage panel (opens precomposition layer in Layer panel) |
Reverse selected layers in time |
Enable time remapping for selected layers |
Move selected layers so that their In point or Out point is at the current time |
Trim In point or Out point of selected layers to current time |
(click stopwatch) Add or remove expression for a property |
(double-click effect selection in Effects & Presets panel) Add an effect (or multiple selected effects) to selected layers |
Set In point or Out point by time-stretching |
Move selected layers so that their In point is at beginning of composition |
Move selected layers so that their Out point is at end of composition |
Lock selected layers |
Unlock all layers |
Set Quality to Best, Draft, or Wireframe for selected layers |
Cycle forward or backward through blending modes for selected layers |
Find in Timeline panel |
Toggle expansion of selected layers to show all properties |
(click triangle to the left of the property group name) Toggle expansion of property group and all child property groups to show all properties |
Show only Anchor Point property (for lights and cameras, Point Of Interest) |
Show only Audio Levels property |
Show only Mask Feather property |
Show only Mask Path property |
Show only Mask Opacity property |
Show only Opacity property (for lights, Intensity) |
Show only Position property |
Show only Rotation and Orientation properties |
Show only Scale property |
Show only Time Remap property |
Show only instances of missing effects |
Show only Effects property group |
Show only mask property groups |
Show only Material Options property group |
Show only expressions |
Show properties with keyframes |
Show only modified properties |
Show only paint strokes, Roto Brush strokes, and Puppet pins |
Show only audio waveform |
Show only selected properties and groups |
(click property or group name) Hide property or group |
(click property or group shortcut) Add or remove property or group from set that is shown |
(hit the property shortcut key) Add or remove keyframe at current time |
+ |
(drag property value) Modify property value by default increments |
(drag property value) Modify property value by 10x default increments |
(drag property value) Modify property value by 1/10 default increments |
Open Auto-Orientation dialog box for selected layers |
Open Opacity dialog box for selected layers |
Open Rotation dialog box for selected layers |
Open Position dialog box for selected layers |
Center-selected layers in view (modifies Position property to place anchor points of selected layers in center of current view) |
Center anchor point in the visible content |
Move selected layers 1 pixel at current magnification (Position) |
Move selected layers 10 pixels at current magnification (Position) |
Move selected layers 1 frame earlier or later |
Move selected layers 10 frames earlier or later |
Increase or decrease Rotation (Z Rotation) of selected layers by 1° |
Increase or decrease Rotation (Z Rotation) of selected layers by 10° |
Increase or decrease Opacity (or Intensity for light layers) of selected layers by 1% |
Increase or decrease Opacity (or Intensity for light layers) of selected layers by 10% |
Increase Scale of selected layers by 1% |
Decrease Scale of selected layers by 1% |
Increase Scale of selected layers by 10% |
What is your favorite Adobe After Effects 2021 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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