Select all |
Deselect all |
Rename selected layer, composition, folder, effect, group, or mask |
Open selected layer, composition, or footage item |
Move selected layers, masks, effects, or render items up (forward) down (back) in stacking order |
Move selected layers, masks, effects, or render items to top (front) or bottom (back) of stacking order |
Extend selection to next item in Project panel, Render Queue panel, or Effect Controls panel |
Extend selection to previous item in Project panel, Render Queue panel, or Effect Controls panel |
Duplicate selected layers, masks, effects, text selectors, animators, puppet meshes, shapes, render items, output modules, or compositions |
Quit |
Undo |
Redo |
Purge All Memory |
Interrupt running a script |
Display filename corresponding to the frame at the current time in the Info panel |
New project |
Open project |
Open most recent project |
New folder in Project panel |
Open Project Settings dialog box |
Find in Project panel |
(click bit-depth button at bottom of Project panel) Cycle through color bit depths for project |
(click bit-depth button at bottom of Project panel) Open Project Settings dialog box |
Open Preferences dialog box |
(hold down while starting After Effects) Restore default preferences settings |
Open or close Project panel |
Open or close Render Queue panel |
Open or close Tools panel |
Open or close Info panel |
Open or close Preview panel |
Open or close Audio panel |
Open or close Effects & Presets panel |
Open or close Character panel |
Open or close Paragraph panel |
Open or close Paint panel |
Open or close Brushes panel |
Open or close Effect Controls panel for selected layer |
Open Flowchart panel for project flowchart |
Switch to workspace |
Close active viewer or panel (closes content first) |
Close active panel or all viewers of type of active viewer (closes content first). For example, if a Timeline panel is active, this command closes all Timeline panels. |
Split the frame containing the active viewer and create a viewer with opposite locked/unlocked state |
Maximize or restore panel under pointer |
Resize application window or floating window to fit screen. (Press again to resize window so that contents fill the screen.) |
Move application window or floating window to main monitor; resize window to fit screen. (Press again to resize window so that contents fill the screen.) |
Toggle activation between Composition panel and Timeline panel for current composition |
Cycle to previous or next item in active viewer (for example, cycle through open compositions) |
Cycle to previous or next panel in active frame (for example, cycle through open Timeline panels) |
Activate a view in a multi-view layout in the Composition panel without affecting layer selection |
Note: To momentarily activate a tool with a single-letter keyboard shortcut, hold down the key; release the key to return to the previously active tool. To activate a tool and keep it active, press the key and immediately release it.
(alt-click tool button in Tools panel) Cycle through tools |
Activate Selection tool |
Activate Hand tool |
Temporarily activate Hand tool |
or | |||
Activate Zoom In tool |
(when Zoom In tool is active) Activate Zoom Out tool |
Activate Rotation tool |
Activate Roto Brush tool |
Activate Refine Edge tool |
Activate and cycle through Camera tools (Unified Camera, Orbit Camera, Track XY Camera, and Track Z Camera) |
Activate Pan Behind tool |
Activate and cycle through mask and shape tools (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Star) |
Activate and cycle through Type tools (Horizontal and Vertical) |
Activate and cycle between the Pen and Mask Feather tools. (Note: You can turn off this setting in the Preferences dialog box.) |
Temporarily activate Selection tool when a pen tool is selected |
Temporarily activate Pen tool when the Selection tool is selected and pointer is over a path (Add Vertex tool when pointer is over a segment; Convert Vertex tool when pointer is over a vertex) |
Activate and cycle through Brush, Clone Stamp, and Eraser tools |
Activate and cycle through Puppet tools |
(in shape layer) Temporarily convert Selection tool to Shape Duplication tool |
(in shape layer) Temporarily convert Selection tool to Direct Selection tool |
New composition |
Open Composition Settings dialog box for selected composition |
or N: Set beginning or end of work area to current time |
Set work area to duration of selected layers or, if no layers are selected, set work area to composition duration |
Open Composition Mini-Flowchart for active composition |
Activate the most recently active composition that is in the same composition hierarchy (network of nested compositions) as the currently active composition |
Trim Composition to work area |
New Composition from selection |
Go to specific time |
Go to beginning or end of work area |
Go to previous visible item in time ruler (keyframe, layer marker, work area beginning or end) |
Go to next visible item in time ruler (keyframe, layer marker, work area beginning or end) |
(Note: Also goes to beginning, end, or base frame of Roto Brush span if viewing Roto Brush in Layer panel.)
Go to beginning of composition, layer, or footage item |
Go to end of composition, layer, or footage item |
Go forward 1 frame |
Go forward 10 frames |
Go backward 1 frame |
Go backward 10 frames |
Go to layer In point |
Go to layer Out point |
Go to previous In point or Out point |
Go to next In point or Out point |
Scroll to current time in Timeline panel |
Start or stop preview |
(click Reset in Preview panel) Reset preview settings to replicate RAM Preview and Standard Preview behaviors |
Preview only audio, from current time |
Preview only audio, in work area |
Advertisement |
+ |
Manually preview (scrub) video |
(drag current-time indicator) Manually preview (scrub) audio |
Preview number of frames specified by Alternate Preview preference (defaults to 5) |
Toggle Mercury Transmit video preview |
Take snapshot |
Display snapshot in active viewer |
Purge snapshot |
Fast Previews > Off |
Fast Previews > Adaptive Resolution |
Fast Previews > Draft |
Fast Previews > Fast Draft |
Fast Previews > Wireframe |
Turn display color management on or off for active view |
Show red, green, blue, or alpha channel as grayscale |
Show colorized red, green, or blue channel |
What is your favorite Adobe After Effects 2021 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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