Open Start Menu |
Cycle through the apps on the taskbar |
Open the app pinned in the (1) position on the taskbar |
Open the right-click menu for the app pinned in the (1) position on the taskbar |
Show or hide desktop |
Show session options (Lock, Change user, Log off, Task Manager) |
Open Task Manager |
Zoom to the screen |
Zoom out to the screen |
Exit Magnifier |
Press right Shift for eight seconds to turn Filter Keys on and off
Press Num Lock for five seconds to turn on or off Toggle Keys
Turn High Contrast on or off (use left Shift and left Alt) |
Turn Mouse Keys on and off (use left Shift and left Alt) |
Open the Ease of Access Center |
Minimize all open windows |
Restore minimized windows |
Minimize all windows except the selected or currently active window |
Maximize selected window |
Maximizes the active window vertically while maintaining its width |
Minimize selected window |
Snap selected window to the left half of the screen (If the window is already there, Windows key + Up or Down will snap it into a quadrant) |
Snap selected window to the right half of the screen (If the window is already there, Windows key + Up or Down will snap it into a quadrant) |
Move selected window to the left monitor |
Move selected window to the right monitor |
Open Task view (virtual desktops) |
Add new virtual desktop |
Move to the next virtual desktop (to the right) |
Move to the next virtual desktop (to the left) |
Close current virtual desktop |
Focus to system tray area |
Take a screenshot of the active window and copy it to clipboard |
Open the Action Center |
Open Cortana in text mode |
Open Cortana in listening mode (similar to saying "Hey, Cortana") |
Open File Explorer |
Open the Windows 10 Feedback Hub |
Search for PC's on a network |
Open the Game Bar |
Open the Settings menu |
Open the Connect sidebar (for connecting to Bluetooth or Miracast devices) |
Lock the computer |
Lock screen orientation |
Open presentation or projection sidebar |
Open the Run window |
Open the Ease of Access Center |
Open the Windows Ink Workspace for scribbling on tablets or touchscreen laptops |
Take a screenshot of the entire desktop and save it to the Screenshots folder in the Pictures folder |
Zoom to the screen |
Zoom out to the screen |
Exit Magnifier |
Open the emoji keyboard |
Open clipboard history (this feature is added with October 2018 Update) |
Open screenshot toolbar, capture an area of the screen |
Advertisement |
Open 'change input language' popup and switch to next language |
Switch to next input language |
Show desktop temporarily |
Pin window to current monitor (so it will always open in that monitor) |
Enable Color Filters. You need to enable the shortcut in Windows settings first. |
Open virtual keyboard |
Start Speech Recognition |
Start text dictation |
Display and hide the date and time on the desktop |
Restart graphics driver (in case of problems) |
Enable Audit mode |
What is your favorite Windows 10 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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