
HTTPS is becoming web default -
6 years ago

Google's once very fast, and still fast web browser is generally where the latest web technologies first reflected. HTTPS isn't new by any means, but Google is going to make it default, for all of the web.

In last year Google was pushing websites for switching to HTTPS, and giving those sites a bit of favor in search results. Currently, sites with HTTPS support is displayed with green "Secure" label with a lock symbol. Web sites stubborn enough to stay at unencrypted HTTP is displayed with an "i" icon, and sometimes (when there is a password form on site etc) displayed with "Unsecure" warning.

According to the Chromium Blog, this is going to change in next a few months. First, with the release of the Chrome 69 in September, this "Secure" label will no longer appear. And then after some time, Google will also remove the lock symbol.

As you probably noticed, this means the end of the road for HTTP. With the release of Chrome 70, standart HTTP pages will start to load with a red triangle. 

Why Google pushes HTTPS?

Thanks to technology companies like Google, the web is more encrypted today. That means it's much harder to spy the data transmission and any third paries to modify content before it reaches you. In fact it took too long for web to switch HTTPS, even we know that we're all being spied on.

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