Visual Studio Code (Windows) keyboard shortcuts

Visual Studio Code (Windows)

Zeynel -
6 years ago
- Shortcuts
Note: If this shortcut doesn't work, it may be because the shortcut conflicts with Nvidia GeForce Now or some other program. In this case, you can change Ctrl + Alt + M (Toggle microphone on/off) in Nvidia Now to another shortcut.

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Program information

Program name: Visual Studio Code (Windows) Visual Studio Code (Windows) (Developer tools)

Visual Studio Code is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. It has features such as debugging, Git control, syntax highlighting, smart code completion, snippets and refactoring. It's free and open-source, however official download is under a proprietary license.

Web page:

Last update: 3/8/2021 4:12 PM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 70%

More information >>

Updated: Added some shortcuts. (6 updates.) 12/25/2019 11:13:07 AM Added some shortcuts.
12/25/2019 11:14:27 AM Updated program information.
1/16/2021 9:44:28 AM Added some shortcuts.
1/16/2021 9:45:36 AM Added some shortcuts.
3/8/2021 5:08:47 PM Added some shortcuts.

Shortcut count: 138

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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What is your favorite Visual Studio Code (Windows) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.

? hmsolomon OP says : 5 years ago 12/24/2018 3:48 AM
MS Visual Studio Code needs a keyboard shortcut for erasing the terminal window output area. Now we have click on the trash can, "Kill Terminal", to get a clean slate.