Awesome Screenshot (Chrome extension) keyboard shortcuts 

Awesome Screenshot (Chrome extension)  

Zeynel -
3 years ago
- Shortcuts

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Program information

Program name: Awesome Screenshot (Chrome extension) Awesome Screenshot (Chrome extension) (Web applications)

Awesome Screenshot is a screen-sharing and recording extension for Google Chrome web browser. It can save your recordings to an online service and create web links for quickly sharing them.

Web page:

Last update: 6/22/2021 11:34 AM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 85%

More information >>

Updated: Updated program information. (3 updates.) 6/22/2021 9:10:18 AM New program added.
6/22/2021 9:10:58 AM Updated program information.
6/22/2021 1:34:12 PM Updated program information.

Shortcut count: 3

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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What is your favorite Awesome Screenshot (Chrome extension) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.

? SL OP says: 3 years ago 9/29/2021 11:08 PM
Shift + end on Mac seems to activate the Ctrl + Shift + E command from the options. Can we get Mac specific shortcuts?
Zeynel Admin says in reply to SL : 3 years ago 10/27/2021 4:25 PM
Sorry for the late reply. I have installed the Mac version of the extension and I see the default shortcuts are the same as the ones in Windows version. I couldn't make any of Mac shortcuts to work, maybe because I run macOS on VirtualBox. You may try changing Ctrl + Shift + E to something else in extension options (I guess you probably did already in past days).