Move forward |
Move left |
Move backward |
Move right |
Turn camera 45° counterclockwise |
Turn camera 45° clockwise |
Zoom in/out |
Auto-action (except attack) |
Auto-attack |
Hotkeys for 12 leftmost slots in the Inventory |
Zoomable aerial view of Map - useful when needing large screenshots of an area |
Map |
Pause menu |
Click on a stack in inventory to split it in half |
While holding a stack of items, click to place one item from the stack |
Hold to modify mouse buttons actions when interacting with world objects |
Auto-attack neutral creatures (pigs, beefalos) |
Open crafting menu |
Examine/Inspect objects and items |
Move stack of things to another container |
Freeze the camera in place |
Hide HUD |
Show log |
Toggle Debug screen |
Console |
What is your favorite Don't Starve (PC) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
1098606 169
493800 8
409256 371
359110 6
302586 5
273321 38
8 hours ago
2 days ago
2 days ago
2 days ago Updated!
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