DuckDuckGo keyboard shortcuts 


Zeynel -
7 years ago
- Shortcuts
⤶ Enter

Go to the highlighted result, or use it right away to go to the first result

or L
or O

(when a result is highlighted) Domain search


Open the highlighted result in a new window/tab. Note: This uses JavaScript, you need to turn off pop-up blockers first

or V



Navigate Instant Answer tabs. When an Instant Answer is open, navigate within the Instant Answer


Next search result

or J

Previous search result

or K

Go to search box

or H

Go to misspelling link (if any)


Go to top


Go to main results

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Program information

Program name: DuckDuckGo DuckDuckGo (Web applications)

Launched in September 2008, DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused search engine. The service distinguishes itself from other search engines by not profiling it's users and showing the same search results to everyone for a given search term.

Web page:

Last update: 6/14/2022 10:16 AM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 94%

More information >>

Updated: Updated program information. (8 updates.) 6/14/2022 10:12:44 AM Added some shortcuts.
6/14/2022 10:13:26 AM Added some shortcuts.
6/14/2022 10:14:40 AM Added some shortcuts.
6/14/2022 10:15:42 AM Added some shortcuts.
6/14/2022 10:16:09 AM Updated program information.

Shortcut count: 16

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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? NichAM OP says: 17 months ago 10/18/2023 10:46 AM
is there a shortcut key for "all settings" DDG search engine?
? Guest #Fn + F2 OP says: 18 months ago 9/29/2023 2:02 PM
Would be great to disable duckduckgo's keyboard highjacking.
For example: if I type hellow and press Home button I end up with helloworld instead of having the prompt at start of my typed search in order to correct the hellow to a yellow. Forget using the arrow keys those make an even worse mess, and using mouse to click that h to change to y then automatically puts cursor at end of yelloworld for yet again another unwanted action. Clicked DDG's "all settings" (on main page) and set Keyboard Shortcuts etc to OFF to no effect, its been months and I've even used uBlock origin to disable javascript and saw how DDG becomes even more completely useless at that point.
DDG is so frustrating I often use google again, thanks for all the fish.
? GUCCI OP says: 3 years ago 11/9/2021 10:22 AM
Duck supporter
? Lynne OP says: 4 years ago 8/26/2021 4:46 PM
Ddg was highly appreciated by my daughters homeschool group. They got me started with ddg.i do like it. It's a safety net!
? Claude OP says: 6 years ago 9/3/2019 2:17 PM
How can I add Duckduckgo on my window, instead of pressing Google and then pressing Duckduckgo to search the web?
Zeynel Admin says in reply to Claude : 6 years ago 9/3/2019 4:46 PM
If you're using Chrome, DuckDuckGo asks you to install its Chrome extension, when you visit their page. Just follow the instructions or take a look at