You can use these keyboard shortcuts from any area of your site:
Move to the search bar |
Open Switch Project menu |
Open Support Center |
Open My Shortcuts |
Pressing S while hovering over a task name will instead start a timer for that task.
Pressing F while hovering over a task name will instead open the file upload modal to attach a file to that task.
You can use these keyboard shortcuts when you're viewing a specific project:
Open Gantt Chart |
Choose Project Section (Tasks, Milestones, Messages etc.) |
When you hover your mouse over a task, you can use these shortcuts:
Open task details in quick view panel |
Edit task |
Assign task to me (in addition to current people) |
Unassign task from me (other people will remain) |
Assign task to me (unassign from anyone else) |
Assign task to Anyone (unassign the task) |
Complete task |
(while hovering over the task name) Start a timer |
Attach a file |
Duplicate task |
Move task |
Add a comment |
Demote to next subtask level down |
Promote to next task level up |
Move between columns and show the current one as selected |
Move between cards in a column and show the current ones as selected |
Select multiple cards in a column |
When you use the keyboard to navigate to a card you'll see it highlighted and you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:
Edit task |
Open task details in quick view panel |
Assign task to me (in addition to current people)* |
Unassign task from me (other people will remain)* |
Assign task to me (unassign from anyone else)* |
Assign task to Anyone (unassign the task)* |
Complete task* |
Advertisement |
Duplicate Task |
Add a comment |
Move card to next column |
Move card to previous column |
* These actions can be used with multiple cards selected
Source: Teamwork Support
What is your favorite Teamwork hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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