Snipping Tool keyboard shortcuts 

Snipping Tool  

Zeynel -
3 years ago
- Shortcuts

Although Microsoft is planning to phase out Snipping Tool, it's still used as a quick screenshot-taking way. The useful tool has a few keyboard shortcuts you may want to know.

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Program information

Program name: Snipping Tool Snipping Tool (System tools)

Snipping Tool is a screenshot tool that comes with Microsoft Windows Vista and later versions. It can take screenshots of open windows, rectangular areas, a freeform area, or the entire screen.

Web page:

How easy to press shortcuts: 88%

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Updated: Updated program information. (3 updates.) 5/17/2021 12:35:35 PM New program added.
5/17/2021 12:36:50 PM Updated program information.
5/17/2021 12:38:01 PM Updated program information.

Shortcut count: 6

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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What is your favorite Snipping Tool hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.

? Kip OP says: 2 years ago 2/10/2022 4:01 PM
Windows Key + Shift + S
It's built into windows.