Highlight objects |
End Turn |
Select previous character |
Attack |
Precision strike |
Toggle group mode |
Journal |
Quicksave |
Menu |
Reload |
Toggle combat grid |
Ambush |
Add to group |
Prepare |
Radio |
Snap camera to squad |
Rotate camera clockwise |
Rotate camera counter-clockwise |
Reset camera angle |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
These actions aren't assigned with a hotkey. This can be done in the Controls secion in game menu.
Toggle Visibility
Sell Junk
Compare items |
Toggle perk visibility |
Skills |
Perks |
Fame & reputation |
Vehicle horn |
Toggle inventory filter |
Crouch down |
Defend |
Select character 1 |
Select character 2 |
Select character 3 |
Select character 4 |
Select character 5 |
Select character 6 |
Select next character |
Switch weapons |
Quickload |
Attributes |
Inventory |
Map |
Close |
What is your favorite Wasteland 3 (PC) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
1104365 169
497159 8
410705 372
364136 6
305770 5
276264 38
8 hours ago
12 hours ago Updated!
12 hours ago
21 hours ago Updated!
4 days ago
4 days ago
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