Cut text |
Copy text |
Paste text |
Format as code |
Format as TeX-formula |
Insert link/Format as link |
Format bold |
Format italic |
Highlight text selection |
Move active block up |
Move active block down |
Check/uncheck to-do in active block |
Open/close toggle of active block. When no chidren are present, inserts and focuses child block. If a to-do is present, use alernative with Shift key |
Set active block as block selection |
Add new content |
Search this space |
Toggle dark mode |
Navigate to space dashboard |
Toggle left sidebar |
Toggle right sidebar |
Close current tab |
Toggle tabs bar |
Undo last change |
Redo last change |
Go to daily notes dashboard. Press twice top jump to today |
These markdown shortcuts will work at the start of a block. You can combine these shortcuts, but Space can only be used after the last command.
Quote |
Toggle |
Bullet |
Numbered list |
Alphabetical list |
Roman list |
To-do |
Icon |
Horizontal line |
Heading 1 |
Heading 2 |
Heading 3 |
Heading 4 |
Cut selected blocks |
Copy selected blocks |
Paste previously copied blocks |
Indent selected blocks |
Unindent selected blocks |
Open block styling |
Remove block styles |
Advertisement |
Copy block styles |
Paste block styles |
Duplicate selected blocks |
Delete selected blocks |
Group selected blocks or ungroup selected group block |
Increase text hierarchy |
Decrease text hierarchy |
Copy block reference |
Add block to block selection |
Select block above or set block selection to first block |
Select block below or set block selection to last block |
Expand block selection upwards |
Expand block selection downwards |
Select all blocks on current level or next higher level |
Extend block selection to the clicked block |
Move selected blocks up |
Move selected blocks down |
Check/uncheck to-dos in block selection |
Open/close toggles in block selection (if no to-dos are present, else use alternative shortcut with O key) |
Open toggles in block selection |
Close toggles in block selection |
Add/remove current page to/from favorites |
Open import menu of current page |
Open export menu of current page |
Open share menu of current page |
Select all blocks on top level of main content |
Copy deep link of current page |
Delete current page |
Set the cursor focus to the last block on the page |
Source: Capacities.io documentation
What is your favorite Capacities.io (Windows) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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