GitHub Copilot keyboard shortcuts 

GitHub Copilot  

Ze Zeynel -
23 months ago
- Shortcuts

Accept an inline suggestion (command name: editor.action.inlineSuggest.commit)


Dismiss an inline suggestion (command name: editor.action.inlineSuggest.hide)

Alt + ]

Show next inline suggestion (command name: editor.action.inlineSuggest.showNext)

Alt + [

Show previous inline suggestion (command name: editor.action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious)

Alt + \

Trigger inline suggestion (command name: editor.action.inlineSuggest.trigger)

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

Open GitHub Copilot (additional suggestions in separate pane)

Not assigned: Toggle GitHub Copilot on/off (command name: github.copilot.toggleCopilot)

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Program information

Program name: GitHub Copilot GitHub Copilot (Developer tools)

GitHub Copilot is an artificial intelligence tool that helps programmers by autocompleting code. It works with Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains integrated development environments. The software is currently available via a subscription.

Web page:

How easy to press shortcuts: 73%

More information >>

Updated: Updated program information. (2 updates.) 8/8/2022 10:39:53 AM New program added.
8/8/2022 10:40:43 AM Updated program information.

Shortcut count: 6

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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What is your favorite GitHub Copilot hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.

? Leo OP says: 20 days ago 6/5/2024 9:41 PM
When I press Alt+C (to switch case in search dialog) I am getting some Copilot settings dialog. Super annoying. How can I get rid of this shortcut ? :\ VS 2022
Ze Zeynel Admin says in reply to Leo : 19 days ago 6/6/2024 1:00 PM
Did you check File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts dialog?