Open applications in the current workspace |
After the list is shown, you can use arrow keys to navigate through open windows and press Enter to choose a window.
List all open applications on all workspaces |
After the list is shown, you can use arrow keys to navigate through open windows and press Enter to choose a window.
Cycle through open windows |
Switch between windows of the same application |
Switch between windows of the same application immediately (without showing a popup) |
Cycle backwards through open windows |
Open the run dialog |
Open the troubleshooting panel |
Maximize the current window |
Restore window to its previous size |
If the window is maximizded, make it unmaximized |
Close the window |
Move the window |
Show desktop. Press again to return to the previous window |
Bring up the window menu for an application |
If the window is not maximizded, resize it |
Push current window to the left half of the screen. To snap it to the left press CTRL, super, and the left arrow key |
Push current window to the right half of the screen. To snap it to the right press CTRL, super, and the right arrow key |
Push current window to the top half of the screen. To snap it to the right press CTRL, super, and the up arrow key |
Push current window to the top half of the screen. To snap it to the right press CTRL, super, and the down arrow key |
Move the window to the monitor on the right |
Move the window to the monitor on the left |
Move the window to the top monitor |
Move the window to bottom monitor |
Move the window to a workspace to the left |
Move the window to a workspace to the right |
Log out of the system |
Shut down the system |
Lock the screen |
Restart the Cinnamon desktop. If Cinnamon locks up, try using this shortcut and see if it solves the issue |
Take a screenshot |
Take a screenshot and copy it to the clipboard |
Take a screenshot of a section of the screen |
Take screenshot of the active window |
Take screenshot of the active window and copy it to the clipboard |
Record a video of the screen |
Open a terminal window |
Open file explorer |
Zoom desktop in / out. Note: Zoom must be enabled under Universal Access Settings |
What is your favorite Linux Mint hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
I use [Win] + p to toggle betveen monitors.
thanks for these useful hints. I love keyboard shortcuts and I personalized them a lot on my LM in order to be even quicker (e.g. WIN + esc for shutdown)
One thing I didn't figure out yet though is how to reset the keyboard shortcuts back to default settings (I messed around on one of my devices and now I don't find a way out of it. I know how to overwrite existing entries but some simply don't show up in the list.)
Best regards, Fabian
Glad that these shortcuts helped!
I hope someone here will assist to help resetting Linux Mint keyboard shortcuts to defaults.
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