Notepad keyboard shortcuts 

Notepad -
7 years ago
- Shortcuts

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Program information

Program name: Notepad Notepad (Text editing)

Notepad is default plain text editor of Microsoft Windows operating system.

Last update: 5/6/2024 11:32 AM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 91%

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Shortcut count: 16

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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? peepeepoopoo420 OP says: 2 years ago 6/6/2022 11:47 AM
Why the f*** is nearly every shortcut downvoted, the the f*** are the even votings for them
Zeynel Admin says in reply to peepeepoopoo420 : 2 years ago 6/6/2022 2:47 PM
For the first question: I suppose people sometimes downvote when they're annoyed at something else, too. No matter what, I'm not going to remove downvoting (I don't like what YouTube did).
Second question: Votings aims to find popular shortcuts easier. When a shortcut gets enough votes (and interactions, which numbers are hidden), a star appears next to them.