6 destructive keyboard shortcuts 

6 destructive  

Zeynel -
15 months ago
- Shortcuts

Personally I would recommend against pranking anybody but maybe you want to prank yourself or maybe your friend who uses the same computer? Anyway, you asked and here is how it can be done via shortcuts!

Despite the title says "destructive", these are easily revertible (we've indicated how) and won't cause any data loss. Maybe a just a hair strand loss.

1. High contrast mode

Left Alt + ↑   Left Shift + Print Screen

Turn on "high contrast" mode

This will activate high contrast mode on your monitor. May ask for a confirmation. Hit the same keys to revert.

2. Mouse keys

Left Alt + ↑   Left Shift + Num Lock

Turn on "mouse keys"

This will turn the Numpad into a mouse, so you can control the mouse cursor via keyboard. This may make your friend think their number keys doesn't work. In another prank, yor can press the buttons to move the mouse cursor, and your friend will think mouse is moving by itself
To revert, hit the same keys.

3. "Toggle keys"

Num Lock

(hold for 5 seconds) Turn on "toggle keys"

When this feature is enabled, every key press for Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock will cause a beep, probably causing your friend to randomly get mad.
To revert, hold the Num Lock key for 5 seconds once again and press Yes when asked.

4. Excel only: Lock the scrolling

Scroll Lock

(in Microsoft Excel) When Scroll Lock is on, arrow keys will scroll the entire screen instead of navigating between cells.

Experienced users will immediately know what happened, but some users may not and get quite upset :)
To revert, press Scroll Lock again.

5. Zoom the screen

Win + +

Press a few times to magnifiy the screen.

Win + -

Press until the screen returns to its original look (no zoom)

To make magnificaiton prank even more salty, use the shortcut below.

6. Reverse the colors

Ctrl + Alt + I

(when Magnifier is running) Reverse colors. Press again to revert.

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Program information

Program name: 6 destructive 6 destructive (General)

Last update: 2/4/2025 6:55 AM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 53%

More information >>

Updated: Updated program information. (2 updates.) 10/30/2023 11:59:44 AM New program added.
10/31/2023 10:07:01 AM Updated program information.

Shortcut count: 7

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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