Hold Shift while zoomed in with right click to hold breath and steady aim |
Switch between fire modes |
Inspect your weapon and look for your firing mode |
Open inventory |
Take out the mag and estimate the remaining ammo |
Look into the chamber to see if there is a bullet |
Quick reload. This will toss mag on the ground for a quicker reload. Do not forget to pick up your mag afterwards |
Selective reload |
Toggle flashlight |
Toggle laser sight |
Switch reticles in your red dot sight |
Switch between stacked sights / scopes |
Throw grenades |
You can drag and drop items from your tactical rig or pockets onto your quick access bar (keys 1 through 0), this also applies to grenades |
Select a grenade from your quick access bar (keys 1 through 0) to take it into hands to be able to time your throw |
See the remaining time of the raid and get a feel for if it is still worth to check on the early objectives |
Sprint (make sure Hold to Sprint/hold breath setting in Settings > Controls is enabled) |
Crouch |
Go prone. When prone, return to your previous stance |
Move through your stance from standing to crouching to prone |
Instantly go to minimum speed. Press again to return to your previous speed |
Lean left |
Lean right |
Do a slow left lean |
Do a slow right lean |
Blind fire above you |
Blind fire to your left |
Fold / unfold your stock |
Quick melee attack while holding a firearm |
Lower your helmet visor |
Mumble, if AI is nearby, they will respond to you with a voice line |
What is your favorite Escape from Tarkov hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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