Move forward |
Move backward |
Sidestep left |
Sidestep right |
Lean left. Double tap to step out |
Lean right. Double tap to step out |
(hold while pressing a movement button) Run |
(hold) Crouch |
Toggle Sneak mode |
Toggle walk / run |
Perform action |
Next action |
Previous action |
Fire current weapon / Use current item |
Close combat weapon(s). Keep pressing to cycle through available choices |
Pistol(s). Keep pressing to cycle through available choices |
SMG(s). Keep pressing to cycle through available choices |
Rifle(s). Keep pressing to cycle through available choices |
Binoculars |
Night vision goggles |
Lockpick |
Holster / Draw current weapon. Rifles will be dropped |
(hold) Display a quick inventory in the upper right corner of the screen |
Reload |
Inventory |
Drop current weapon or item |
Map |
Mission briefing |
First person view |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
In the third person view, zoom in and zoom out will affect the distance between Hitman and the camera.
When you're using a rifle, zoom in and zoom out will affect the scope's magnification level.
Source: Hitman 2: Silent Assassin manual
What is your favorite Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (PC) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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