Open the Select file menu |
Open recently opened files list |
Open an embedded file system browser |
Open an embedded file system browser rooted in the current document folder |
(in the list of recently opened files) Remove a file from the list. The file won't be removed from the system |
Open a file in new sioyek window |
Move the screen |
Go to first page |
Go to the last page |
To go to a specific page, enter the page number and then press G,, G. For example to go to page 32, enter 32gg.
Go to specific page (a menu will open where you can enter the page number) |
Move the screen down |
Move the screen up |
Go to previous/next page |
Open a searchable table of contents |
Go to next chapter |
Go to previous chapter |
Go back in history |
Go forward in history |
Open the search menu |
Once the search is initiated, go to next match |
Once the search is initiated, go to previous match |
Enter c/ to search only the current chapter
Create a mark. For example, in order to create a mark named a for your current location, enter ma |
(then type the name of tha mark) Go to mark |
(then enter description of the bookmark) Add a bookmark |
Open a searchable list of the bookmarks in the current document |
Open a searchable list of the bookmarks in the all documents |
Delete the closest bookmark |
Select a piece of text and then press h followed by a letter to create a highlight of that letter type.
Open a searchable list of the highlights in the current document |
Open a searchable list of the highlights in the all documents |
In order to delete a highlight, first left click on the highlight and then enter D,, H
Delete a highlight |
Create a portal |
Open/close the helper widow |
Advertisement |
Delete the closest portal |
Edit the destination of the current link |
Adjust the zoom level |
Toggle synctex mode |
While in this mode, right clicking on any text opens the corresponding tex file in the appropriate location.
Toggle fullscreen mode |
Copy selected text |
(then press number next to the link) Open links in PDF files |
Toggle dark mode |
Toggle presentation mode |
Source: Sioyek documentation
What is your favorite Sioyek hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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274075 38
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