Cut line |
Insert line after |
Insert line before |
Move line/selection up |
Move line/selection down |
Split selection into lines |
Select line - Repeat to select next lines |
Select word - Repeat select others occurrences |
Jump to closing parentheses. Repeat to jump to opening parentheses |
Select all contents of the current parentheses |
Delete line |
Delete from cursor to end of line |
Delete from cursor to start of line |
Indent current line(s) |
Un-indent current line(s) |
Duplicate line(s) |
Join line below to the end of the current line |
Comment/un-comment current line |
Block comment current selection |
Redo, or repeat last keyboard shortcut command |
Paste and indent correctly |
Select next auto-complete suggestion |
Soft undo; jumps to your last change before undoing change when repeated |
Quick Skip Next |
Wrap Selection in html tag |
Close current html tag |
Shortcuts below are valid for Windows only.
Column selection up |
Column selection down |
Shortcuts below are valid for Linux only.
Column selection up |
Column selection down |
Command prompt |
Toggle side bar |
Show scope in status bar |
Find |
Replace |
Find in files |
Add all occurrences of the current word to the selection |
Go from multiple selections to a single selection |
Open last closed tab |
Cycle up through tabs |
Cycle down through tabs |
Find in files |
Close current tab |
Switch to a specific tab |
Revert view to single column |
Split view into two columns |
Split view into three columns |
Split view into four columns |
Advertisement |
Set view to grid (4 groups) |
Split view into two rows |
... to |
… to |
Toggle bookmark |
Next bookmark |
Previous bookmark |
Clear bookmarks |
Transform to uppercase |
Transform to lowercase |
What is your favorite Sublime Text hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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