Bartender 3 keyboard shortcuts 

Bartender 3  

Zeynel -
5 years ago
- Shortcuts
Bartender allows you to assign hotkeys for these actions. There are no default hotkeys, so you need to assign them yourself in Preferences > Hotkeys
Bartender Bar
Show full menu bar
Show all items in menu bar
Navigate menu items


Control +

(on "..." icon top-right) Search menu items

Alt +

(on "..." icon top-right) Open context menu


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Program information

Program name: Bartender 3 Bartender 3 (System tools)

Bartender lets user organize menu bar icons in macOS. It can hide, rearrange or show hidden icons with a click or a keyboard shortcut.

Web page:

Last update: 2/11/2020 2:56 PM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 90%

More information >>

Updated: Updated program information. (2 updates.) 10/6/2019 6:41:21 PM New program added.
2/11/2020 3:57:05 PM Updated program information.

Shortcut count: 3

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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