Gas |
Brakes |
Steer left |
Steer right |
Gas/Brakes |
Steer left/right |
Start/Stop engine |
Left indicator |
Right indicator |
Warning lights on/off |
Driving lights on/off |
Open/close front door |
Open/close back door |
Automatic transmission - Shift up |
Automatic transmission - Shift down |
Cruise control |
Retarder shift up |
Retarder shift down |
Retarder max/off |
Parking brake |
Air conditioning on/off |
Set air conditioning cold |
Set air conditioning warm |
Play announcement |
Light switch up |
Light switch down |
WC release on/off |
WLAN release on/off |
Passenger reading lights on/off |
Driver's lights on/off |
Driver's window up |
Driver's window down |
Passenger compartment lights on/off |
Driver monitor on/off |
Exterior camera |
Cockpit camera |
Look left |
Look right |
Camera cockpit 1 |
Camera cockpit 2 |
Camera cockpit 3 |
Camera cockpit 4 |
Advertisement |
Change cameras |
Horn |
Windshield wiper on/faster |
Windshield wiper off/slower |
Destination display on/off |
What is your favorite Fernbus Simulator hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
1098606 169
493800 8
409256 371
359110 6
302586 5
273321 38
7 hours ago
2 days ago
2 days ago
2 days ago Updated!
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