Add or edit text |
Opens group to edit individual objects |
Close group editor |
Opens the Duplicate dialog |
Opens the Position and Size dialog |
Opens the Navigator |
Checks spelling |
Opens the Thesaurus |
Edit points on/off |
Fits to frame |
Opens Styles and Formatting window |
Zooms in |
Zooms out |
Zooms to fit entire page in screen |
Zooms in on the current selection |
Groups selected objects |
Ungroups selected group |
Combines selected objects |
Uncombines selected objects |
Bring to front |
Bring forward |
Send backward |
Send to back |
Switch to previous page |
Switch to next page |
Switch to previous layer |
Switch to next layer |
Moves the selected object in the direction of the arrow key |
Moves the page view in the direction of the arrow key |
(while dragging an object) Note: this shortcut key works only when the Copy when moving option in Tools - Options - LibreOffice Draw - General is enabled (it is enabled by default). Creates a copy of the dragged object when mouse button is released |
with keyboard focus (F6) on a drawing object icon on Tools bar Inserts a drawing object of default size into the center of the current view |
Opens the context menu for the selected object |
Enters text mode |
Enters text mode if a text object is selected |
Enters text mode if a text object is selected. If there are no text objects or if you have cycled through all of the text objects on the page, a new page is inserted |
Press the Alt key and drag with the mouse to draw or resize an object from the center of the object outward |
on an object Selects the object behind the currently selected object |
an object Selects the object in front of the currently selected object |
key while selecting an object Adds or removes object to or from the selection |
(drag while moving an object) The movement of the selected object is constrained by multiples of 45 degrees |
(drag while creating or resizing an object) Constrains the size to keep the object's aspect ratio |
Cycles through the objects on the page in the order in which they were created |
Cycles through the objects on the page in the reverse-order in which they were created |
Exits current mode |
What is your favorite LibreOffice Draw hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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