Insert an area |
Insert a chart component |
Insert an Excel component |
Include a worksheet |
Insert a math region |
Insert an object in your worksheet to embed content from another application |
Insert a solve block |
Insert a table |
Insert a text block |
Insert a text box |
Move cursor to the beginning of the expression |
Move cursor to the end of the expression |
Move the cursor to the left of the selected expression |
Move the cursor to the right of the selected expression |
Move the cursor to the next placeholder |
Move the cursor to the previous placeholder |
Recalculate the selected or active region |
Separate the selected region horizontally |
Separate the selected region vertically |
Toggle the active region selection |
Inside a text region, insert a new line above or below depending on the position of the cursor |
γ - Euler's constant/number |
∞ - Infinity |
π - Pi |
Insert an XY plot |
Insert a 3D plot |
Insert a Polar plot |
Insert a Contour plot |
Insert a new axis expression into the active axis expression list |
Equation break addition |
Equation break subtraction |
Equation break multiplication |
Equation break in-line division |
Toggle between regular and equation break operators |
Advertisement |
Circular convolution |
Derivative |
Integral |
Linear convolution |
Prime |
Product |
Summation |
Equal to |
Greater than |
Greater than or equal to |
Inequality |
Is element of |
Less than |
Less than or equal to |
Logical exclusive OR |
Logical AND |
Logical NOT |
Logical OR |
Definition |
Evaluation |
Global definition |
Complex conjugate |
Degree (°) |
Scaling |
Polar |
Symbolic evaluation |
Limit |
Add a new line with a keyword placeholder |
Program |
Local assignment |
If |
Else |
Else if |
Ctrl + Shift + ) |
Also if |
While loop |
For loop |
Break |
Continue |
Return |
Try/On error |
Adds a new line to the program |
(after a program word) Change the word into an operator |
Insert a column to the left or to the right according to the cursor's location |
Insert a row above or below depending on the location of the cursor |
Open the Help Center |
Open the Functions dialog box |
Insert a page break |
Recalculate the worksheet |
Add a link to selected text |
Create a new worksheet |
Open an existing worksheet |
Save the current worksheet |
Print the current worksheet |
Close the current document |
What is your favorite Mathcad Prime 6.0 hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
1104365 169
497159 8
410705 372
364136 6
305770 5
276264 38
7 hours ago
11 hours ago Updated!
11 hours ago
20 hours ago Updated!
4 days ago
4 days ago
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