NvChad keyboard shortcuts 


Zeynel -
17 months ago
- Shortcuts
To edit opened file, you need to switch to INSERT mode. This can be done by pressing Insert key.
In the insert mode, these shorctuts can be used to move the cursor:
Ctrl + B

Go to the beginning of the line

Ctrl + E

Go to the end of the line

Ctrl + H

Move one character to the left

Ctrl + L

Move one character to the right

Ctrl + J

Go to the next line

Ctrl + K

Go to the previous line


To select text via keyboard, you need to enter VISUAL mode. To do this, first exit the insert mode by pressing Esc.
Once you place the cursor at the beginning of the part we want to select, we use the keys CTRL + v to enter the V-BLOC (Visual Block) mode.
Now moving with the cursor we will see that our selection will be highlighted.

Copy selection to the clipboard


Delete selection

Text search


then type "/search key" : Search

/ + ⤶ Enter

Move to next match

? + ⤶ Enter

Move to previous match

When you finished searching, the highlight can be removed by the command Shift + :noh (no highlight).

Saving the document

First press Esc to exit INSERT mode then press Shift + :w to save file with the current name.
To save with different name, use the following command:
:w /path/to/new/file_or_position
To save and quit, use Shift + :wq (write and quit).
Source: rockylinux.org

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Program information

Program name: NvChad NvChad (Developer tools)

NvChad is a modular Neovim configuration that lets users to choose which plugins and configurations they want to include in their editing environment. It is written in Lua.

Web page: nvchad.com

How easy to press shortcuts: 85%

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Shortcut count: 11

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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