Tinkercad has a video about its keyboard shortcuts, you can watch it here.
Copy selected objects |
Paste objects |
Undo |
Redo |
Group objects |
Ungroup objects |
Duplicate selection in same place |
Lock selection |
Select all objects |
Delete object |
Place workplane |
Place ruler |
Fit the view on selected object |
Nudge selection on workplane, x and y axis |
Move selection vertically (z axis) |
Nudge selection 10x, snap on workplane, x and y axis |
Nudge selection 10x, snap up and down, z axis |
Hold Shift while moving to constrain movement to main direction |
Hold Alt while starting to move to duplicate selection |
Pan view |
Select multiple objects |
What is your favorite Tinkercad hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
That move the selected object directly on the current workspace.
1104187 169
497052 8
410671 372
363999 6
305673 5
276181 38
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5 days ago
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