These are Mac shortcuts. For Windows keyboard shortcuts of Adobe Animate CC, click here.
Selection |
Sub-selection |
Free transform |
3D Rotation |
Lasso |
Pen |
Text |
Line |
Rectangle |
Oval |
Pencil |
Paint brush |
Brush |
Bone |
Paint bucket |
Sub-selection |
Ink bottle |
Eraser |
Width tool |
Camera |
Hand |
Zoom |
Gradient |
3D - Translation |
Polygon |
Add anchor point |
Rectangle primitive |
Oval primitive |
Bind |
Rotation |
Magic wand |
Delete anchor point |
Import image, sound, etc. |
Export to .swf, .spl, .gif and so on |
Open as library |
Show / hide library |
Modify movie properties |
Toggle betweeen Edit Movie and Edit Symbol Mode |
Show / hide work area |
Show / hide timeline |
Group |
Ungroup |
Break Apart |
Paste in Place |
Duplicate |
Select All |
Deselect All |
Optimize Curves |
Align Window |
Scale and Rotate |
Remove Transform |
Advertisement |
Move Ahead |
Move Behind |
Bring to Front |
Send to Back |
Modify Font |
Modify Paragraph |
Narrower letterspacing (kerning) |
Wider letterspacing (kerning) |
Remove rotation or scaling from the selected objects |
Rotate the selection to 90 degrees left |
Scale and/or rotate the selection using numeric values |
Auto formats the editor code |
Show hidden characters |
Suppresses highlighting of selected items |
Show or hide the pasteboard that surrounds the stage |
Show or hide the rulers |
Show Frame Script Navigator |
Show or hide the tweening shape hints |
Show a smaller area of the drawing with more detail |
Show a larger area of the drawing with less detail |
Show or hide the Align panel |
Show or hide the Color panel |
Show or hide the Compiler Errors panel |
Add Component Widgets |
Open a new window in the front most simulation that is a duplicate of the active window |
Show or hide the History panel |
Show or change the properties and position of the selected object |
Show or hide the Library panel for this document |
Show or hide the Property Inspector |
Show or change a list of the scenes in the current movie |
Select colors from swatches and manage swatches |
Show or hide the animation timeline and layers controls |
Show or hide the drawing toolbar |
Scale and/or rotate the selection using numeric values |
(drag towards left) Shifts the entire range of onion skin markers to the left |
(drag towards right) Shifts the entire range of onion skin markers to the right |
Source: Adobe help
What is your favorite Adobe Animate CC (Mac) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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