Mari 4.6 keyboard shortcuts 

Mari 4.6  

Zeynel -
4 years ago
- Shortcuts
Alt + 3

Fully Expand Selected Node

Alt + 4

Stream Collapse Selected Node (Multi Channel Merge Nodes only)

↑  Shift + ~

Cycle Through Port List Mode


Ctrl + +

Zoom in on text in the Python Console

Ctrl + -

Zoom out from the text in the Python Console

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

Evaluate a script in the Python Console

Ctrl + ↑  Shift + ⤶ Enter

Evaluate selected statements in the Python Console

Source: Foundry

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Program information

Program name: Mari 4.6 Mari 4.6 (Imaging)

Foundry Mari is a 3D painting software for creating high-resolution digital 3D painting and texturing.

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Last update: 2/20/2021 10:09 AM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 82%

More information >>

Updated: Added some shortcuts. (2 updates.) 7/21/2020 6:48:18 PM New program added.
2/20/2021 11:09:54 AM Added some shortcuts.

Shortcut count: 141

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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? Guest OP says: 3 years ago 2/22/2021 10:53 PM
it would be nice if mari had a keyboard shortcut list on the keys as a reference pdf to use when using mari.