Copy highlighted text to clipboard |
Cut highlighted text to clipboard |
Paste text from clipboard |
Next word right |
Next word left |
End of text string |
Beginning of text string |
Apply text edits |
Highlight single text |
Highlight line text to the end of the line |
Highlight line text to the beginning of the line |
Highlight next word |
Continue on new line, text will be placed as a text node in the file |
When focus is in the AccuDraw dialog box, these shortcuts will allow you to change active snap mode:
Intersection snap |
Nearest snap |
Center snap |
Keypoint snap |
In the entry fields (X, Y, Z) for AccuDraw you can get previous entered values with Page Up/Page Down keys. This can save time for retyping those long bearings.
Previously keyed in value |
First keyed in value |
These are default hotkeys for the pull down menu. You can add hotkeys to pull down menu in Workspace > Customize.
New file dialog |
Open file dialog |
Close the program |
Save file |
Save settings |
Print dialog |
Undo |
Redo |
Copy selected elements |
Cut selected elements |
Paste elements from clipboard |
Group selected elements as an unnamed cell |
Ungroup selected elements |
Lock selected element |
Unlock selected element |
Element information tool |
Open / Close View Attributes dialog |
Toolboxes dialog |
What is your favorite MicroStation V8i hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
1097792 169
493433 8
409085 371
358425 6
302128 5
272951 38
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3 days ago
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4 days ago
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