Run / Stop your code |
Debug your code |
Toggle REPL |
Toggle the Plotter |
Stop debugger |
Continue running code |
Step over a line of code |
Step into a block of code |
Step out of a block of code |
Play / Stop game |
Show image asset directory |
Show font asset directory |
Show sound / noise asset directory |
Show music asset directory |
Toggle the USB serial connection |
Toggle the Plotter |
Serial pane |
Copy highlighted text into the clipboard |
Paste text into the REPL |
Flash code onto device |
Toggle the filesystem |
Toggle the REPL |
Toggle the Plotter |
Microbit's REPL pane understands these shortcuts |
Copy highlighted text into the clipboard |
Paste text into the REPL from the clipboard |
Show the find and replace dialog |
Toggle comments for the current or selected lines of code |
Indent the current or selected lines of code |
Unindent the current or selected lines of code |
Undo |
Redo |
Select all |
Cut selected text into the clipboard |
Copy selected text into the clipboard |
Paste text from the clipboard |
Move the cursor one character in the speficied direction |
Move the cursor one word in the specified direction |
Select text in the specified direction |
Select text one word in the specified direction |
Save current tab with a new name |
Show the admin dialog |
Advertisement |
Take a screenshot |
What is your favorite Mu 1.2 (code editor) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
1088766 169
488887 8
406639 371
350558 6
297279 5
270003 32
5 hours ago
8 hours ago Updated!
9 hours ago Updated!
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
23 hours ago Updated!
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