You need to enable single key shortcuts first. To do this, open the Preferences dialog and under General, select Use Single-Key Accelerators To Access Tools option.
Hand tool |
Temporarily select Hand tool |
Select tool |
Marquee Zoom tool |
Cycle through zoom tools: Marquee Zoom, Dynamic Zoom, Loupe |
Temporarily select Dynamic Zoom tool (when Marquee Zoom tool is selected) |
Temporarily zoom out (when Marquee Zoom tool is selected) |
Temporarily select Zoom In tool |
Select Object tool |
Edit Object tool |
Enter/Exit Forms editing |
Crop tool |
Link tool |
Text Field tool |
Cycle through tools in forms authoring mode: Text Field, Check Box, Radio Button, List Box, Dropdown Box, Button, Digital Signature, Barcode |
3D tool |
Cycle through Multimedia tools: 3D object, SWF, Sound, Video |
Edit Document Text tool |
Redaction |
Cycle through Touch Up tools: Touch Up Text, Touch Up Reading Order, Touch Up Object |
JavaScript Debugger |
Insert Blank Pages tool |
Insert Files |
Delete pages |
Open Output Preview |
Touch Up Reading Order tool (or if already selected, return focus to dialog box) |
Sticky Note tool |
Text Edits tool |
Stamp tool |
Current highlighting tool |
Cycle through highlighting tools: Highlighter,Underline Text, Cross Out Text |
Current drawing markup tool |
Cycle through drawing markup tools: Cloud, Arrow, Line, Rectangle, Oval, Polygon Line, Polygon, Pencil Tool, Eraser Tool |
Cloud tool |
Text Box tool |
Current Stamp or Attach tool |
Cycle through Stamp, Attach File, Record Audio Comment |
Move focus to next comment or form field |
Move focus to previous comment or form field |
Open pop-up note (or text field in Comments List) for comment that has focus |
Closes pop-up (or text field in Comments List) for comment that has focus |
Previous screen |
Next screen |
First page |
Last page |
Previous page |
Next page |
Advertisement |
(UNIX) Previous open document |
(UNIX) Next open document |
Scroll up |
Scroll down |
Scroll (when Hand tool is selected) |
Zoom in |
Zoom out |
Toggle between editing and previewing your form |
Toggle Guides On / Off |
Align selected fields left |
Align selected fields right |
Align selected fields top |
Align selected fields bottom |
Align selected fields horizontal |
Align selected fields vertical |
Center fields horizontally |
Center fields vertically |
Highlight fields |
Show Tab Order |
Document JavaScripts |
Move focus to the previous row when in the body of the file list on the left |
Move focus to the next row when in the body of the file list on the left |
If pressed in the body of the file list, navigate one level up from within a folder |
Press the Go Back button in a folder if focus is on the button |
If pressed when focus is on a row in the file list representing a subfolder, navigate to a subfolder, or open an attachment in Preview mode. |
If in the body of the file list, move to the first or last row |
If in the body of the file list, move to the next or last set of rows to fit the screen |
Select or deselect all files |
If in the body of the file list, extend the selection by adding the next row above the selected row |
If in the body of the file list, extend the selection by adding the next row below the selected row |
Change whether the row with focus is in the selection |
Move focus up one row without changing the selection |
Move focus down one row without changing the selection |
Move focus to the next item among Document pane, Task panes, Message bar, and Navigation bar |
Move focus to the previous item among Document pane, Task panes, message bar, and Navigation bar |
Move focus to the next panel in the Task pane |
Move focus to the previous panel in the Task pane |
Navigate to the next panel and panel control within an open Task pane |
Navigate to the previous panel and panel control within an open Task pane |
Navigate to the next command button within a panel |
Navigate to the previous command button within a panel |
Expand or collapse panel in focus (press F6 to move focus to Tools pane, then tab to desired panel) |
Open or close the Task pane |
Close the pane that lists the tasks of an Action |
Open the menu and move the focus to the first menu option when focus is on a command with a submenu or submenu element with a flyout |
Move the focus back to the parent command button with a submenu or submenu element with a flyout |
Run the command in focus |
Navigate to the next item in the active panel in the Create New Action, Edit Action, Create Custom Tool, or the Edit Custom Tool dialog boxes |
Navigate to the previous item in the active panel in the Create New Action, Edit Action, Create Custom Tool, or the Edit Custom Tool dialog boxes |
Move focus to menus (Windows, UNIX); expand first menu item (UNIX) |
Move focus to toolbar in browser and application (In application, sets focus to the first button in the top bar - Home) |
Navigate through the other controls in the top bar - Home, Tools, Document |
Select a highlighted control in the top bar |
Move to next open document tab (when multiple documents are open in same window) |
Move to previous open document tab (when multiple documents are open in same window) |
Move to next open document window (when focus is on document pane) |
Move to previous open document window (when focus is on document pane) |
Close current document |
Move focus to next comment, link, or form field in the document pane |
Move focus to previous comment, link, or form field in the document pane |
Move focus to document pane |
Activate selected tool, item (such as a movie clip or bookmark), or command |
Open context menu |
Close context menu |
Return to Hand tool or Select tool |
Move focus to next tab in a tabbed dialog box |
Move to previous search result and highlight it in the document |
Move to next search result and highlight it in the document |
(Windows only) Search previous document (with Search results displaying multiple files) |
(Windows only) Search next document (with Search results displaying multiple files) |
Select text (with Select tool selected) |
Select next word (with Select tool selected) |
What is your favorite Adobe Acrobat 2017 (Windows and Unix) hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
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