Start or stop playback |
Go to beginning |
Go to end of last region |
Move forward |
Move back |
Move cycle area forward |
Move cycle area back |
Move forward by visible width of the timeline |
Move back by visible width of the timeline |
Turn Catch mode on/off |
Zoom out |
Zoom in |
Create a new track |
Create a new audio track |
Create a new software instrument track |
Duplicate the selected track |
Delete the selected track |
Rename the selected track |
Select the next higher track |
Select the next lower track |
Mute/Unmute the selected track |
Solo/Unsolo the selected track |
Turn monitoring for the selected track on/off |
Show/Hide automation for the selected track |
Delete all automation on the selected track |
Unmute all tracks |
Unsolo all tracks |
Undo |
Redo |
Cut |
Cut an arrangement marker together with its regions |
Copy |
Paste |
Delete |
Select all |
Select previous region on the selected track |
Select next region on the selected track |
Split selected region or event at the playhead |
Join selected regions or notes |
Loop selected region continuously |
Add selected region to the Apple Loops Library |
Rename the selected region |
Turn Snap to Grid on/off |
Show/Hide alignment guides |
Start recording |
Turn the Record Enable button for the selected track on/off |
Turn the cycle area on/off |
Turn the metronome on/off |
Turn count-in on/off |
Transpose selected notes up one semitone |
Transpose selected notes down one semitone |
Transpose selected notes up one octave |
Transpose selected notes down one octave |
Select the next score event |
Select the previous score event |
Select the next staff event |
Arrow Select the previous staff event |
Print score notation |
Show/Hide the Musical Typing window |
Advertisement |
Show/Hide Smart Controls |
Show/Hide the Score Editor |
Show/Hide the Piano Roll Editor |
Show/Hide the Loop Browser |
Show/Hide the Library |
Show/Hide the Editor |
Show/Hide the Note Pad |
Show/Hide the Media Browser |
Show/Hide the Arrangement track |
Show/Hide the Movie track |
Show/Hide the Transposition track |
Show/Hide the Tempo track |
Show/Hide the master track |
Open a Movie |
Create a new project |
Open an existing project |
Close the current window or project |
Minimize the GarageBand window |
Save the current project |
Save As |
Show GarageBand preferences |
Hide GarageBand |
Quit GarageBand |
Open detailed Help (move the pointer over an interface item) |
Source: Apple
What is your favorite Apple GarageBand hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.
1102592 169
496238 8
410330 372
362668 6
304703 5
275330 38
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2 days ago Updated!
2 days ago
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