Select |
Default camera |
Tactical queue |
Tactical pause |
Toggle tactical map |
Focus event cue |
Focus home |
Focus next idle infantry |
Focus next idle vehicle |
Focus next idle emplacement |
Toggle screenshot mode |
Orbit |
Chat |
Chat all |
Select production building one |
Select production building two |
Select production building three |
Select production building four |
Select production building five |
Battlegroup one |
Battlegroup two |
Battlegroup three |
Battlegroup four |
Battlegroup five |
Battlegroup six |
Army ability 1 |
Army ability 2 |
Army ability 3 |
Army ability 4 |
Army ability 5 |
Control group set 0-9 |
Control group add 0-9 |
Control group clear 0-9 |
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495542 8
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361700 6
304081 5
274740 38
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