Inkscape keyboard shortcuts 


Ruhi Öztürk -
6 years ago
- Shortcuts

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Program information

Program name: Inkscape Inkscape (Imaging)

Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor; it can be used to create or edit vector-based visual files. With this program, you can create logos, illustrations, and posters.

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Last update: 3/4/2021 11:35 AM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 79%

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Shortcut count: 424

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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What is your favorite Inkscape hotkey? Do you have any useful tips for it? Let other users know below.

? Dan-yell OP says: 5 years ago 9/26/2019 7:59 PM
I would like to use a shortcut that can be used while editing text, that would create a new text field under the current one (in the distance that a new line would have).

Surely some alt-Enter, ctrl-Enter, shift-Enter still would be "free" for that.