Keyboard symbols keyboard shortcuts 

Keyboard symbols  

Zeynel -
7 years ago
- Shortcuts

How can you type the symbols that generally aren't visible on the keyboard? A simple way is holding the Alt key and typing the number for the symbol. You'll find these "Alt shortcuts" below. Note: On Windows, you can always use the Character Map tool to type various symbols and letters you can't find here.

First, ensure Num Lock is pressed on your keyboard. To type these symbols, hold Alt key, then type the number with numpad. The character will appear after you release Alt key.
Alt + 36

(Dollar sign)

Alt + 0169

© (copyright sign)

Alt + 0174

® (registered sign)

Alt + 0153

™ (trademark sign)

Alt + 0137

‰ (per mille sign)

Alt + 21

§ (section sign)

Alt + 0151

— (em dash)

Alt + 0150

œ (a letter)

Alt + 0140

Œ (a letter)

Alt + 145


Alt + 146


↑  Shift + `

~ (tilde)

or Alt + 126
For typing special letters in popular languages, you may refer to this list.


Alt + 1

☺ (smiley symbol)

Alt + 2

☻ (smiley symbol)

Alt + 3

♥ (heart symbol)

Alt + 13

♪ (note symbol)

Alt + 14

♫ (beamed eighth note symbol)

For more symbols, take a look at this web site.
Alt + 0247


Alt + 0215


Alt + 171

½ (fraction one half sign)

Alt + 172

¼ (fraction one quarter sign)

Alt + 248

° (degree symbol)

Alt + 167

° (degree symbol. May not work with all layouts)

Alt + 157

Ø (diameter symbol)

Alt + 253


Alt + 0179


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Program information

Program name: Keyboard symbols Keyboard symbols (General)

Last update: 11/23/2022 7:47 AM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 26%

More information >>

Updated: Added some shortcuts. (4 updates.) 10/31/2019 3:00:48 PM Updated program information.
10/28/2020 12:53:34 PM Updated program information.
11/12/2021 10:20:06 AM Updated program information.
11/23/2022 7:46:26 AM Added some shortcuts.

Shortcut count: 29

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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? Charlene OP says: 4 years ago 1/28/2021 2:57 PM
I am trying to use a forward slash, it is coming up as... é , when i hit the shift key it is... É , how do i get the forward slash or the question mark on the key itself to type instead of the é that is currently coming upÉ
Zeynel Admin says in reply to Charlene : 4 years ago 1/28/2021 3:22 PM
Are you sure Windows is on the correct keyboard layout (it's on on the bottom right of the screen, left to the date-time).

As a workaround, if you have a Num Pad on the keyboard, you can put a forward slash from there too.
? Guest OP says in reply to Charlene : 4 years ago 1/28/2021 4:43 PM
i think i have french on..
? Guest OP says in reply to Charlene : 4 years ago 1/28/2021 4:44 PM
i just went to English US and i think that fixed it thank you!
Zeynel Admin says in reply to Charlene : 4 years ago 1/28/2021 4:59 PM
You're welcome. In my use, the keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift causes accidental change of keyboard layout from time to time.
? Seamo OP says: 5 years ago 3/11/2020 9:09 AM
Example toggle between classes or chatrooms
? CMULL OP says: 5 years ago 3/11/2020 9:04 AM
I want to tie learning to key event for memory purposes.
? krish OP says: 5 years ago 2/26/2020 2:27 PM
? mainn123 OP says: 5 years ago 2/3/2020 2:28 PM
i wonder how to make a emoji on linux
? Onos'P OP says: 6 years ago 12/10/2018 1:07 PM
usually i don't have any. so i really want to learn