Obsidian 0.12.15 keyboard shortcuts 

Obsidian 0.12.15  

Zeynel -
3 years ago
- Shortcuts

Obsidian keyboard shortcuts will help you mirror your thoughts onto the application faster. Thankfully they are easy to remember. Keep in mind there are many unassigned actions, in case you'd like to use keyboard shortcuts more.

Ctrl + P

If Command Palette is enabled, this will show all available commands and their keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + S

Save current file

Ctrl + N

Create new note

Ctrl + ↑  Shift + N

Create note in new pane

Ctrl + P

Command palette: Open command palette

Ctrl + O

Quick switcher: Open quick switcher

Ctrl + ↑  Shift + F

Search: Search in all files

Ctrl + G

Graph view: Open graph view

Ctrl + Alt +

Navigate back

Ctrl + Alt +

Navigate forward

Ctrl + F

Search current file

Ctrl + ↑  Shift + F

Search in all files

Ctrl + H

Search & replace in current file

Ctrl + E

Toggle edit/preview mode

Ctrl + ,

Open settings


Ctrl + B

Bold selected text

Ctrl + I

Italic selected text

Ctrl + K

Insert external link

Ctrl + D

Delete paragraph

Ctrl + ]


Ctrl + [


Ctrl + /

Toggle comment

Alt + ⤶ Enter

Jump into selected backlink


Edit file title

Ctrl + W

Close active pane

Alt + ⤶ Enter

Follow link under cursor

Ctrl + Alt + ⤶ Enter

Open link under cursor in new pane

Ctrl + G

Graph view: Open graph view

These actions don't have a hotkey by default, but can be assigned in Options > Hotkeys.
Add embed
Add internal link
Add tag
Backlinks: Open backlinks for the current file
Backlinks: Show backlinks pane
Backlinks: Toggle backlinks in document
Close all other panes
Copy file path
Copy Obsidian URL
Delete current file
Export to PDF
File Explorer: Move file to another folder
File Explorer: Reveal active file in navigation
File Explorer: Show File Explorer
File Recovery: Open saved snapshots
Focus on editor
Focus on pane above
Focus on pane below
Focus on pane to the left
Focus on pane to the right
Fold all headings and lists
Graph view: Open local graph
Graph view: Start graph timelapse animation
Insert attachment
Markdown format importer: Open Markdown importer
Note composer: Extract current selection…
Note composer: Extract this heading
Note composer: Merge current file with another file…
Open another vault
Open in default app: Open in default app
Open in default app: Show in system explorer
Reload app without saving
Split horizontally
Split vertically
Swap line down
Swap line up
Toggle blockquote
Toggle bullet list
Toggle code
Toggle new pane mode
Toggle fold on the current line
Toggle heading
Toggle highlight
Toggle left sidebar
Toggle numbered list
Toggle pin
Toggle right sidebar

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Program information

Program name: Obsidian 0.12.15 Obsidian 0.12.15 (Text editing)

Obsidian is note-taking software that aims to convert a collection of plain text files into a network of linked thoughts. Plain text markdown files are stored in a local folder.

Web page: obsidian.md

How easy to press shortcuts: 78%

More information >>

Updated: Updated program information. (2 updates.) 10/6/2021 11:15:35 AM New program added.
10/6/2021 11:19:49 AM Updated program information.

Shortcut count: 28

Platform detected: Windows or Linux

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